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Puppy Broken Toe

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:31 am
by nsea
Hello, new to the forum but have already found boat loads of info and advice, I hope to one day be a useful contributor but for now I sit and listen.

I have a 12 week old Boykin with a broken toe its his fourth toe on the right front paw (the one next to the pinky toe) so it's a load bearing toe. It was a very unfortunate accident in which he got caught in a swinging screen door about 3 weeks ago. He has since been in a hard "spoon splint" and have been changing the wrap every 5 days. It doesn't bother him too much just walks funny and is constantly getting tripped up when running in grass, kind of cute actually but sad.

I am relatively new to Houston and the vet I took him to was recommended to me by a non hunting friend (my first error). I get the feeling this clinic rarely sees any working dogs much less Boykins. The Vet lady in particular is very much a progressive type and from the minute I brought in an "expensive pure breed" (her words) I got an uneasy feeling of resentment. I then went on to tell her that he will be a working retriever/bird dog and the amount of attitude significantly increased. Anyways I was in a pickle, I had to be at work and this pup needed an X-ray and splint so I went with it and had it done. Now I'm kind of tied into this vet until the toe has been resolved, or so I thought.

She initially told me he would need the splint on for a minimum of 3 possibly 4 weeks and that we could take another x-ray at 3 to see what it looks like. Just this past Monday when I was having the bandage changed, I iniststed that they do it in the room with me, she tested the sensitivity of the toe and it didn't seem to bother him. At the end of the visit she said at 4 weeks we can take another x-ray and between 4-5 weeks he will be out of the splint. They then tried to charge me double of what I had been paying previously, we exchanged some words, I expressed that I don't trust her and she said if the toe does not heel correctly and re-breaks the next step would be amputation. I used some colorful language in front of the other patients that I am not particularly proud of but glad I said. So now I am looking for a new vet and second opinions. I sent the x-ray back to my folks family friend and vet but he's on vacation and has yet to respond.

My boy Watson has been gaining about 2 ouces per day, give or take a few, over the past three weeks which would lead me to think that his bone structure which was already thick is constantly regenerating and growing. Would it be irresponsible to for me to wait 3.5 weeks and take the splint off without another X-ray? I'm in my mid 20's and these extra vet fees are starting to cut into other areas. I would like to avoid the extra x-ray if possible but would get it no question if I thought it was necessary. Broken toes are not a huge deal, correct?

Attached are 2 pictures, one the day of the first splint, the other most recently on Tuesday. Also the X-ray.

Does anyone know of a GOOD vet in Houston with hunting dog experience?


Re: Puppy Broken Toe

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:42 pm
by dog dr
Give him 4-6 wks in the splint and he should be fine. If he doesn't start using again after a few days without the splint, then find someone else to X-ray it. If he goes back to normal, like it think he will, then enjoy your pup. At this age they heal quickly, especially with a non displaced fracture like that. Good luck!

Re: Puppy Broken Toe

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:32 pm
by Sharon
LOL Those eyes are priceless. Interesting what they can do for dogs. I broke my toe and the Dr. said, "Oh.well." :)

Re: Puppy Broken Toe

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 4:21 pm
by nsea
4-6 weeks! Argh! Unfortunately, that has been the consensus from other vets. I will do 5.

It's just a sad thing for this brown ball of energy to be laid up to where he can't chase birds, play in ponds, puddles and mud like he wants.

Re: Puppy Broken Toe

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:14 pm
by cjj
I had a boxer who broke a toe and all the vet did was tape the toes together and before that one was healed he broke another one on the other foot, did the same thing to that one and in a few week they were healed , not big of deal , good luck

Re: Puppy Broken Toe

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:45 pm
by Brazosvalleyvizslas
It may be a couple hours drive but if you need specialized care, Texas A&M has an awesome clinic.

Re: Puppy Broken Toe

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:42 pm
by nsea
I have been reading up on broken toes in dogs and pups and some people think that it is imperative that the dog be bed rested/crated while it's still healing for 4-6 weeks. One vet even suggested reducing the amount of food you give a pup so as to decrease his energy and only taking him out to relieve himself! That's ridiculous right?

My pup has been running, jumping, digging (albeit with 3 good legs and a stump) but generally being a regular puppy. Have I possibly compromised his chances of a speedy 4 week recovery? I can't say that I would have changed anything either way, keeping him crated up all day would be impossible and cruel.

Re: Puppy Broken Toe

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:27 am
by doitallgsp
Hey everyone,

Have been lurking around here for a while but never posted. I know this is an old thread but wanted to get everyone's advice on a very similar topic. I have a 16 week old male GSP. He has been a handful so far but as long as I don't screw him too much, I think he is gonna turn out to be a great gun dog. All the prey-drive in the world. That being said, he is a puppy and he seems to bounce off the walls (and the tables, and the doors, and the windows) every once in a while.

Anyways, two weeks ago, he was playing and all of a sudden started running around on three legs. He was lifting his back left leg off of the ground. Took him to the vet and long story short she said that it was probably a bruised toe (the one next to the pinky toe, a weight bearing toe). She also mentioned that it COULD BE a small fracture but that wouldn't change our approach very much. She prescribed some pain/anti inflammatory pills and also some sedatives to help him sleep. Basically, keep him crated for a week. Start letting him walk around a bit after that and continue from there. It would probably take about a month to heal up completely.

It is 2 weeks later, he is walking around on it fine. Doesn't seem to be in any pain. Even running on it. Occasionally shifts his weight or favors it A LITTLE. I was concerned though because the toe was still swollen. I went to the vet last night and we decided to x-ray it. He has a P2 fracture (see picture below). Anyways, she said just keep watching it and keeping him off of it for another couple of weeks. She said if we splint it he will probably just chew it off.

This is my first gun dog. Looking for any sort of guidance. Do y'all believe I should get a second opinion? I am OK with him walking it off as long as it isn't going to lead to long-term problems.

Anyone in Austin, TX? I have been taking him to Brykerwood vet. Always looking for hunting/training buddies in the area.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Puppy Broken Toe

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 11:36 am
by Sharon
You've had some bad luck. So the dog is 2 years old now? I trust my vet and would probably never get a second opinion. However, if you have doubts about your vet and are anxious about this paw, it wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion. I would recommend though that you do find a vet you can fully trust sometime.
( A dog can wear a "lampshade" when splinted etc and have it off when you are in the same room supervising. It's a drag for 6 weeks but it can work.)

Puppy Broken Toe

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:08 am
by doitallgsp
Thanks for the reply Sharon. The dog is 16 weeks. I do trust my vet. They come pretty highly recommended in the area. I think this being my first dog I am probably being the parent that is overly protective right now. Do you think the splint is necessary?