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home made dog fod

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:55 pm
by minigooch
Does any one make any of their own dog food ? I work in a meat processing plant and have alot of stuff available to me and wonder if I could make my own and what to use. Or subsidize whatever food I end up buying . Everything is USDA inspected and a very clean facility . I would have to buy it so it wont be beef tenderloin .I have a GSP pup on the way (1 week old ) and have read alot of posts about what to feed and am totally confused. Have not yet asked breeder what he feeds. I'm new to this so if you could keep it simple for me. Also have some older game meat in freezer and wonder if I could use this instead of throwing it out ? Thanks to all in advance

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:59 pm
by minigooch
Meant Homemade dog food

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:02 pm
by Sharon
Sure you could. Read up on B.A.R.F. Problem though is getting the combinations right. Would you know the ratio percent of fat : protein etc.. that you your pup will need? Will you know how to adjust it over the month/years? The game meat would have to figured into the ratio and the caloric value too. Not something I would have the time or expertise for , but if you do go for it. Feeding RAW is not something that can be kept "simple" imo. ... -and-risks ... or+puppies

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:21 pm
by Bounty_Hunter
minigooch wrote:Does any one make any of their own dog food ? I work in a meat processing plant and have alot of stuff available to me and wonder if I could make my own and what to use. Or subsidize whatever food I end up buying . Everything is USDA inspected and a very clean facility . I would have to buy it so it wont be beef tenderloin .I have a GSP pup on the way (1 week old ) and have read alot of posts about what to feed and am totally confused. Have not yet asked breeder what he feeds. I'm new to this so if you could keep it simple for me. Also have some older game meat in freezer and wonder if I could use this instead of throwing it out ? Thanks to all in advance
Many vets now support raw diets for dogs. Ask your vet for guidance, he should be willing to get you started. Lots of good information on line too. A lot people who feed kibble also supplement with fresh meat. I use old meat in the back of the freezer for my dog. If you have any more specific questions I would be happy to help if I can. As mentioned above there are some precautions to take but if you do your homework and ask enough questions its not really hard.

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:54 pm
by minigooch
I probably wouldn't feed raw but would more or less supplement kibble . Bounty do you cook the old meat from the back of the freezer ? Thats what I thought I would do. This poor dog my starve if I dont figure something out. lol I was almost afraid to ask a question about food after reading a couple of threads on here. I have emailed my breeder in the meantime to see what he feeds to make sure I can get it in my neck of the woods

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:14 pm
by Sharon
Not to trying to give you a hard time really :) , but if you supplement , how you going to know how many calories the dog is getting etc?

"This poor dog might starve if I don't figure something out." quote

Is the dog not eating ?

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:46 pm
by Bounty_Hunter
minigooch wrote:I probably wouldn't feed raw but would more or less supplement kibble . Bounty do you cook the old meat from the back of the freezer ? Thats what I thought I would do. This poor dog my starve if I dont figure something out. lol I was almost afraid to ask a question about food after reading a couple of threads on here. I have emailed my breeder in the meantime to see what he feeds to make sure I can get it in my neck of the woods
Most of what I feed is raw but I will add cooked meat now and then especially table scraps. There's a guy on here that said he takes old meat when he cleans out the freezer and boils it into a soupy mix and feeds it to his dogs. There are some strict kibble feeders on here and they don't really like anyone pushing the raw diet stuff, but I feed what I feed and I'm not going to lie about it. My dog does great on it too. The breeder I got my dog from did not feed a raw diet as most don't because they raise more then one dog and feeding a kennel of dogs a raw diet would be a lot more difficult then feeding kibble. If you feel that you must cook the meat keep it as rare as you can and don't feed your dog any cooked bones. Only raw bones size appropriate And stay away from weight bearing bones like heavy leg bones. fruit and vegetables in small amounts is also ok. Eggs too raw or cooked.

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:58 pm
by birddogger
Yes, you could do it, but as Sharon said it would be time consuming and take some expertise and certain equipment. Your comment about being really confused about dog food....Well, there is no reason, whatsoever to be. :D. Feeding your dog commercial feed [if you decide to go that way] is probably the simplest thing you will ever do, concerning your dog. However, I can understand how somebody new would be confused after reading all the dog food threads and debates on here, but just take them with a grain of salt, so to speak. Here is what you need to do [and this has been said many times on this forum, but is the best advise you could get IMO], find a feed that fits your budget, is always available and that your dog does well on. Generally speaking, it is not going to make much difference what brand that feed is. The only thing you may need advise on is the best protein/fat ratio for your dog in whatever brand you choose.


Re: homemade dog food

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:12 am
by minigooch
Thanks for all the input ! Sharon I was joking when I said that . See"lol" after quote. I have not got my pup yet 6 LONG weeks to go. I Think I am going to feed kibble . As far as table scraps anything to stay away from ? Pasta ? And what about some of the older meat in my freezer should I cook it ?

Re: homemade dog food

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:09 am
by slistoe
minigooch wrote:And what about some of the older meat in my freezer should I cook it ?
Cook it, cube it and feed it with the broth.

Re: homemade dog food

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:45 pm
by Sharon
minigooch wrote:Thanks for all the input ! Sharon I was joking when I said that . See"lol" after quote. I have not got my pup yet 6 LONG weeks to go. I Think I am going to feed kibble . As far as table scraps anything to stay away from ? Pasta ? And what about some of the older meat in my freezer should I cook it ?
Sorry. Pup is definately eating well right now. :)

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:17 pm
by MonsterDad
Best to mix fresh food with dry IMO

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:33 pm
by ezzy333
Read the article that has the link posted in what food do you feed. It shows almost exactly what we found was true back when I was involved in testing and manufacturing feed plus what works well for our own dogs and all of the dogs we used to board and train. It doesn't say it is the only way to feed a dog but instead just tells you the advantages and pitfalls of several ways.


Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:16 pm
by mountaindogs
I feel I should mention just in case... muscle meat has a higher concentration of phosphorous, I have read, and of course meaty bones have higher calcium. A few dozen years ago supplementing puppies with calcium was all the rage, but this was quickly found to have negative effects on bone growth occuring too quickly. Now the thinking is that the calcium and phosphorous ratio needs to be correct, so I'd be careful not to feed too much of one or the other to a growing puppy. I supplement my adults with both and the puppies with meaty bones but only occasionally. Less than once per month.

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:19 pm
by minigooch
Ezzy not sure which article your refering to . Pro plan , pmi nutrition or neither ? Thanks all

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:47 pm
by ezzy333
minigooch wrote:Ezzy not sure which article your refering to . Pro plan , pmi nutrition or neither ? Thanks all
this one ... 112034.htm

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:32 pm
by roaniecowpony
Is ______(type of meat) by-products organs, skin, bones, etc like a wild canine would eat?

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:47 pm
by slistoe
roaniecowpony wrote:Ezzy
Is ______(type of meat) by-products organs, skin, bones, etc like a wild canine would eat?
Wild canines are opportunistic feeders - they will eat whatever is available.

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:08 am
by ezzy333
Wild canines only hunt and eat when they are hungry and they have never been real fussy when it came to what they found to eat but be sure they ate whatever they found. The by-products we talk about that is used in dry dog food comes very close to what the raw feeders talk about using. By-products are just what is left over after the part of the original product that is being harvested is removed. Back years ago when the world was needing fat for heat and light hogs were raised for lard and the meat was the by-product. the same with soybeans, But now the meat and the soybean meal have become the main product and the fat and oil the by-product. By-product does not mean it is bad. Never has.But the chicken By-Product meal is nutritional much more complete than a single part of the animal such as the meat meal or blood meal or any other single source.


Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:32 pm
by Bounty_Hunter
This information might be of interest to you if you decide later to try a more natural diet. Good Luck either way. :)

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:47 pm
by Vonzeppelinkennels
BH so you don't think Coyotes & wolves would eat kibble in the wild if it was readily available?

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:27 pm
by Fun dog
Vonzeppelinkennels wrote:BH so you don't think Coyotes & wolves would eat kibble in the wild if it was readily available?
Nope, they can't afford it.

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:28 pm
by Bounty_Hunter
Vonzeppelinkennels wrote:BH so you don't think Coyotes & wolves would eat kibble in the wild if it was readily available?
That's a pretty broad question, and I think it would depend more upon the area and circumstances. But I think coyotes would be more likely to eat kibble then wolves.
Both wolves and coyotes prefer fresh meat from game they kill themselves. Extreme hunger can and does change those rules though. I know raccoons like it. :)

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:54 pm
by Vonzeppelinkennels
Are you for real the coyotes clean up all the gut piles from dead deer doing deer season if you call that fresh meat they kill themselves.

I have a friend that sights in rifles & works up hand loads for him self & friends he stakes out the deer skins on the hill side behind his house couple hundred yards off & shoots coyotes that come to chew & eat on it.
They probably eat more RD kill & dead stuff then they kill fresh meat for them selves.

Oh & in the summer time they like their raw meat COOKED in the sun!! :lol:

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:59 pm
by markj
the coyotes clean up all the gutpiles from dead deer doing deer season
And the hog piles thru th summer. I skin the hog, gut it cut off the hoofs and face put itinside the skin and haul it to teh back 40. Is gone in 2 days, we usually set up over it and kill them yotes come to eat it :)

home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:09 pm
by ACooper
markj wrote:gut it cut off the hoofs and face
That's funny.

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:59 pm
by Bounty_Hunter
Vonzeppelinkennels wrote:Are you for real the coyotes clean up all the gut piles from dead deer doing deer season if you call that fresh meat they kill themselves.

I have a friend that sights in rifles & works up hand loads for him self & friends he stakes out the deer skins on the hill side behind his house couple hundred yards off & shoots coyotes that come to chew & eat on it.
They probably eat more RD kill & dead stuff then they kill fresh meat for them selves.

Oh & in the summer time they like their raw meat COOKED in the sun!! :lol:
Again you are only reading what you want it to say not what it says. Overpopulation and other factors will create circumstances that change the rules but coyotes really do prefer to hunt and kill their own food. I hunt deer in PA and have come back to check gut piles days later to find them untouched and I have also seen deer lay off the road for days untouched yet there are plenty of coyotes here in PA. ... coyote.htm

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:24 pm
by ezzy333
I think it has been evident for sometime from BH's posts that the difference in our position is based on a completely lack of understanding of the natural diet of our wildlife. Because of that this whole discussion is fruitless. I do appreciate the civility you all have shown in this ongoing saga but I am sure no one is going to be able to sway opinions till they are willing to learn.

I am glad that the few people who want to feed raw have the right to do so and that the rest are willing to let them with minimal interference. I hope the same will come from the few without promoting their preference with practically every post and telling all of us we don't know what we are doing. That is just never going to fly with the thousands or probably millions of healthy dogs living very full lives and the results of so very much scientific study and tests proving it.

BH, good luck with your dog. I truly hope that all of the potential problems do not become a problem and you can continue enjoying your dog and dog related activities. I am sure you will with the effort you are putting into it.


Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:43 pm
by roaniecowpony
I didn't mean to imply I though "______ by-products" was somehow deficient in nutritional value. Quite the opposite. Piecing together statements from a well known trainer and my vet, it sounds like a good thing and they've taken any downside risks out of consuming bones.

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:34 am
by Bounty_Hunter
ezzy333 wrote:
I think it has been evident for sometime from BH's posts that the difference in our position is based on a completely lack of understanding of the natural diet of our wildlife. Because of that this whole discussion is fruitless. I do appreciate the civility you all have shown in this ongoing saga but I am sure no one is going to be able to sway opinions till they are willing to learn.
No, not a lack of understanding but a lack of acceptance. And since some forum members on here see me as promoting only my interest rather then trying to be helpful I have chosen to reserve my knowledge and opinions of how I feed my dog for only those who ask me directly. On a side note, Thanks, my dog is doing well but if problems should arise Its good to know there is always someone on here willing to help. :)

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:48 am
by MonsterDad
There is nothing wrong with Chicken By-Product Meal except it is generally preserved with BHA/BHT or Ethoxyquin.

The manufacturer of the food is not required to list it because it comes already with the product.

So beware.

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:06 am
by ezzy333
MonsterDad wrote:There is nothing wrong with Chicken By-Product Meal except it is generally preserved with BHA/BHT or Ethoxyquin.

The manufacturer of the food is not required to list it because it comes already with the product.

So beware.
Not sure this is true but if it is the manufacturer can always order it without. I know there is a lot of people worried about a preservative but at the extremely low levels it is used I doubt if you will ever see the difference. I know we never experienced a problem years ago after we found there was an advantage in insuring that the products were safe and not spoiled when stored for a short period in the normal time from manufacture to use. I know most mills have gotten away from using it and that is good if it doesn't lead to problems in the storage of the products.

I am not advocating the use but I also am not really concerned with it's use.


Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:13 pm
by wems2371
Minigooch, I would not feed raw to a puppy as a primary food source, just for the reason that Mountaindog mentioned regarding balancing nutrients, minerals, and such. I have concerns over a well balanced diet for proper bone growth and development and feel that dog food manufacturers are probably doing a pretty good job of working that out for me. With a mature dog, I would have no problem feeding raw, and I supplement scraps when I have them.

Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:31 pm
by MonsterDad
ezzy333 wrote:
MonsterDad wrote:There is nothing wrong with Chicken By-Product Meal except it is generally preserved with BHA/BHT or Ethoxyquin.

The manufacturer of the food is not required to list it because it comes already with the product.

So beware.
Not sure this is true but if it is the manufacturer can always order it without. I know there is a lot of people worried about a preservative but at the extremely low levels it is used I doubt if you will ever see the difference. I know we never experienced a problem years ago after we found there was an advantage in insuring that the products were safe and not spoiled when stored for a short period in the normal time from manufacture to use. I know most mills have gotten away from using it and that is good if it doesn't lead to problems in the storage of the products.

I am not advocating the use but I also am not really concerned with it's use.

I would prefer if Dr. Tim's used a naturally preserved chicken by product meal myself. In fact almost every maker does use by products when mammal and fish is used because the rules don't require the labelling like chicken.

It would be best for our pockets books and the environment if the by products went into dog food rather than dumping it or using it for fish food or some other feed.


Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:26 pm
by ezzy333
Can you show us the law that says chicken by-products requires extra labeling other by-products don't. I don't recall ever seeing it.


Re: home made dog fod

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:39 am
by markj
markj wrote:gut it cut off the hoofs and face

That's funny.
Anti food people say they dont eat anything has a face. I was told this on a flight back to Omaha by a L.A. girl, she said she didnt eat anything had a face, I was talking to the guy sitting next to me, she was up a row. I told her I dont eat anything with a face either, I cut the heads off. Plane erupted with laffing and clapping, she shut the heck up and turned around. We talked about steers and steaks.