New Pup & Kennel Training

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New Pup & Kennel Training

Post by seuss79 » Sat May 24, 2008 2:41 pm

So I've read some books and tried to do the research I could. We've had our pup for just over a week now. From what I understand, at night keep the pup in the kennel no matter how much he whines???

Well that's what we've been doing. Except he has to pee at night so we let him out once after about 4hours to do his thing and right back into the kennel for the rest of the night.

The first couple of nights he would whine just about every hour until he would tire himself out. Last night he only woke up and whined once then in the morning. Since this is the only times he whined last night I let him out both times to go relieve himself. Seems to have worked pretty good because at night when he went back into the kennel he only whined for a few minutes.

If he is tired in the daytime he has no problem sleeping in the kennel.

However if you put him in there and he's awake he whines for about 10 minutes.

I assume this is normal and the whining will eventually stop. Am I correct? Should we be doing something different. Using treats only keep him quiet until they are gone.

I just want to be sure we are doing everything right.

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Re: New Pup & Kennel Training

Post by tfbirddog2 » Sat May 24, 2008 3:30 pm

Doing just fine from what you've said.We used to give our dogs a Knonk toy with a litte PB in it and a treat to help surpass the first few minutes and before they know it your doing what you need or gone.
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Re: New Pup & Kennel Training

Post by natetnc » Sat May 24, 2008 4:28 pm

ohhhh the joys of puppyhood. sounds like you and your pup are doing fine.

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Re: New Pup & Kennel Training

Post by MikeB » Sun May 25, 2008 11:53 am

I agree with the other posters. Sounds normal to me. I always put a special chew toy in the crate with the pup. Something he doesn't get during the day but only when in the crate. A stuffed up KONG toy works well.

Here is the KONG web site for more info.

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Re: New Pup & Kennel Training

Post by jakemaster » Sun May 25, 2008 7:37 pm

Wont help now but a breeder gave me a trick with the pup I bought from her. She told me to bring a stuffed toy the day I come to pick out pup and let the Mom and other pups play with it the whole time we were there. Then whenever you put pup in kennel put stuffed toy in with pup. It worked like a charm by the time she chewed it up she was use to her new home. I used it again when I got 2 new GSP pups last spring they both slept like happy pups. :D

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Re: New Pup & Kennel Training

Post by wems2371 » Sun May 25, 2008 8:11 pm

When we got our puppy, she got to sleep in bed for the first couple days and then she got moved to a small plastic crate. Just my opinion, but I think the small cave like atmosphere was comforting vs an open wire crate. Also had an older dog sleeping on the floor within sight. Had to take her out at least 2x during the night to pee. We had the luxury of being around during the day and always made sure we wore the pup out during the day, so she was really ready to sleep when she got put in when we went to bed at night. I didn't put mine in the crate during the day, unless it was nap time, and tried to do that about the same time everyday. She hardly ever whined, because she was so wore out when put in. I also had a pet bed that I would leave out in the living room when she was loose to play on--and then I would take the same bed to the crate when it was time for her to go in. Sounds like he is already getting better about whining. It just takes time and a lot of patience to get them through that period and build a routine. Best wishes with the little guy. Denise

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Re: New Pup & Kennel Training

Post by seuss79 » Mon May 26, 2008 10:51 am

I kind of figured this was normal just like taking care of a baby and no sleep at first.

The breeder gave us a toy and a blanket for the pups first weeks at home. To no success that didn't phase him. Then he peed on them so we had to wash them. He is now to the point he will go in the kennel on his own when he is tired but man last night I've never heard him whine so much. And I know he got worn out with everybody here yesterday.

I guess my real concern or question is: at night when he whines should I let him out to pee or keep him in there until he settles down then let him out. Everything else I read tells me not to give in and let him out of the crate when he whines because he will learn he gets his way by whining. On the other hand I believe he is whining because he will not be able to hold it much longer. So I would guess that as long as I let him out to pee when he whines and put him back in the kennel immediately after no harm done? Right???

What do you think?


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Re: New Pup & Kennel Training

Post by jakemaster » Mon May 26, 2008 4:00 pm

That will work if it is truly needing to go but if its because it is lonely it will only prolong the situation. Try putting a towel over the top of the crate to cover all but the front.

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