Quail used for Training question

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Quail used for Training question

Post by MillerClemsonHD » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:11 am

When using quail to train does anyone keep them in a Johnny house where they live and take them to the field in a recall pen, use some of the birds and let them recall to that pen or will that not work? In the past anytime we used quail to train it was to shoot so we had no intentions on bringing them home. Did not know if this was possible or if they had to be kept in the recall pen/johnny house all the time to recall to it.


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Re: Quail used for Training question

Post by Maurice » Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:24 pm

Doug you might be able to catch some of your quail back like that.. Johnny houses work real good once the birds are trained, seems like the more they are used the better they get on recalling. You are welcome to bring your pup here and let it find some birds around the johnny house. I will start train on the birds next week.. Email me if you want to come down... Young pups don't need alot of bird exposure, just enough to get them fired up and pointing.


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Re: Quail used for Training question

Post by vols fan » Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:06 pm

Doug, we fill our jhousewith 25 birds in a few weeks. we let out 6-7 every afternoon for about 2 weeks then start working dogs . at no time do we let out more than 7-8 for training.we lose only a few during a month ,mostly due to hawks.seems to work well but birds also have good cover and the house has good cover around it. keep a count from pm to am.if you are losing birds at night it is usually a snake. good luck,Tony


Re: Quail used for Training question

Post by bcalhoon » Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:44 am

Hi, I'm new to hunting dog training and will be getting my WPG in a month. I'd like to use quail to train him and, like Doug, thought the Johnny house/recall pen might be the way to go. I'd keep the Johnny house at a freind's farm near me, but would like to take a few birds to various locations to train, and then use the recall pen to collect them and return to the Johnny house. Does this seem reasonable? Does anyone have any adivse or tips on keeping healthy quail.

Bill...Columbus, Ohio

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