Grady's First Point!!!

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Grady's First Point!!!

Post by nowicki2005 » Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:38 pm

Grady is about 10 1/2 weeks old and this was his first point. The second day that I brought him home I had tried to get him to point a wing on a string but all he would do was chase it. So I put it up and tried the next day, same thing. I decided to wait a couple days and try it again and still the same thing. I had pretty much assumed that he wasn't going to point it, knowing that it doesn't really mean anything, I just wanted to see him point but put it away for good.

This evening he had one of his huge energy spurts so I decided to take him for a walk. I live in a small city but right next to a football field so I took him there and let him run around. I decided to try seeing if he would fetch a tennis ball. He has been fetching and bringing it back but only in our house and in our backyard at a max distance of 10 yards. I threw it once about 25 yards and he sprinted after it and brought it back so the next one I chucked it as far as I could, prolly about 60 yards and he brought it back perfectly! I was so excited for him. He prolly did this three or four more times before he started getting distracted so I stopped and just let him get out the rest of his energy by running around. I was so impressed by him fetching that I decided to see if he'd point the wing when I got home and he did!

Previously he hadn't pointed anything. Like I said previously, I know that him pointing the wing means absolutely nothing and that most dogs don't ever point it but I was still kind of bummed and was going to continually get him to sight point. I'll be putting the wing up for good now, but I was just happy to finally see him point something. I think that he pointed a firefly once for about .5 seconds before lunging at it and eating it. By my count, I have seen him eat 4 fireflies and 5 or 6 moths in the air, if only he were a frog......:)

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Re: Grady's First Point!!!

Post by Karen » Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:14 am

What a cutie!

I have 2 dogs that are out of Renegade's Kansas Kid lines and they are both extremely strong retrievers, so it's not surprising at all that Grady is also. I used to play fetch with Courage for hours on end when he was a puppy. He was truly a He!! on wheels at that age and had more energy than any 4 dogs should have.
Woodland's Spirit of Big Oaks & Woodland's Money Pit

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