Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

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Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by clemson_jared » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:23 pm

I've got a 5 month old GSP female that I'm working with. She's been learning HEEL since about 9-10 weeks old and understands that I want her in close to my left leg when I give the command. The problem comes when there are distractions, whether it is some new scent being carried in the wind, or a person/dog that happens to be nearby. Gradually, she'll start to pull ahead or tack into the wind, or be looking over her shoulder to watch whomever is nearby and NOT paying attention to me. I'm using a slip lead, and when she does that I just give her a pop, bring her back to where she should be and change directions. However it doesn't seem to be changing her behavior.
I'm starting to teach her whoa from heel, and I see a similar problem with the distractions. She will routinely miss the command, so I pick her up and put her back where I told her to WHOA. If she moves a paw then I put her back. She does understand that I want her to stand there because I'll get the long exhale from her that I've come to learn means that she doesn't like it, but she'll do it anyway. But, I have the same problem with the wind and surroundings here, and she'll be looking around and not at me.
Both of the problems, from my perspective, seem to come from her attention being focused elsewhere. I may be wrong about this, and if I am, I'd appreciate some insight there as well. Has anyone else experienced this problem and found a reliable solution?


Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by vzkennels » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:35 pm

Clem the pup is 5 mos old his attention span is not very long,in my opinion the pup is TOO young but I'm sure some will argue this.What are your plans for the dog companion,hunting,trialing,all of the above?
Just let him be a puppy for awhile.

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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by postoakshorthairs » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:56 pm

She's 5 months old. You have to be patient and go in very short intervals and keep it fun. I agree with VZ.

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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by clemson_jared » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:58 pm

She's my companion first, and then my future gun dog. I'm intending to hunt her on quail, grouse and pheasant. No field trials.

I realize all dogs are different. But is there an age range that I can expect her to become more attentive?


Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by vzkennels » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:03 pm

There is no set rules or time,just be observent of your pup & you will know when she is ready for more but slow down & just have some fun.Take the pup on walks & runs let her experience things on her own for a while.If you keep up in the direction your heading the pup will be afraid to leave your side & that's not what you want.

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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by surferdave » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:07 pm

I'm at the same place you are right now. My 5 month old lab will focus well without distractions, but the more and more distractions there are, the more their eyes, nose and body want to wander. I try not to be too hard on my guy, I think at 5-6 months training should be a fun enjoyable experience. I just purchased an e-collar and I keep our sessions short, always ending on a fun activity. I figure just like kids, as they mature, they become more and more attentive.

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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by daniel77 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:09 pm

FWIW, I've had good success having a cue that means pay attention. For me, it is just a very slight little whistle using only my tongue. If I had the dog at heel, you couldn't hear me from 15 away. Whenever I want the pup's attention. I give the little whistle, and then a bump if they don't give it to me. This is not something that I really train hard with, but all of mine have caught on rather quickly and it has been a GREAT HELP in situations where they are distracted. I suppose you could use the dog's name for the same purpose, but I prefer to stay low key. If you are wanting to hunt with this dog, I sure wouldn't make a big deal or have a negative experience due to them paying attention to a bird or something that will become important later, rather than you. As was also said earlier, you don't want to overdo it and have the dog glued to your leg. I don't think your pup is too young to learn some manners, which I guess makes me a bit of an outcast here, but remember, all things in moderation. Having the dog's attention could save it's life in the right circumstance, so I do think it's a worthwhile goal. Incidentally, I also have a cue that is a release, telling them it's play time.
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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by vzkennels » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:28 pm

Somehow I knew that kind of response from Daniel would come,that's why I made the "SOME WILL ARGUE COMMENT" I'm done.

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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by gonehuntin' » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:58 pm

You're boring the pup to death. At that age they know three commands: HERE, NO, and Kennel. The best thing you can do until the pup is 8-10 months old, is just to let it run in the field, develop independence, investigate every rotten creature it finds, and in general, have a good time like you did as a kid.

Now, at this age, you have to go slow. Later on you can apply some pressure to a dog and get done in a week what you'll spend two months on now. Both of you will be happier.

It's OK to train them at this age, but do it in a way that they have fun. WHOA at the food dish. Birds in launchers. Funs stuff.

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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by clemson_jared » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:17 pm

Thank you for your replies. I think you're probably right, she's still got a lot of pup in her. She only gets to be one once, so I need to be more patient and enjoy her :).

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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by birddog1968 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:31 pm

Let her want some independence/confidence to develop at this point.
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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by RayGubernat » Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:07 pm

clemson-jared -

5 months is a bit young, but I do heel whoa drills from the time the dog is about 16 weeks old. I use a pigging string which is a poor man's version of the Smith command lead.

The key is short, short, short sessions. One or two minutes, three or four repetitions and then some free play time where you could mix in the come command.

I see no reason why you cannot do both as long as it is mostly fun for the dog at that age.

It is really dangerous to generalize, but I believe you will see a change in the dog's attitude somewhere around 9 months, especially if you keep doing drills in the yard.


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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by birddogger » Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:46 pm

Be careful with using pressure on a dog that young. I know it has already been said by most of the previous posters, but I don't think it can be said enough. I personally would not start the heeling at this age, however, it is probably OK, if it is short and very little pressure. Also, I would not do any formal whoa training at this point. I do introduce the whoa command at an early age, but it is just whoaing at the food bowl and coming in and out of doors or the kennel, as you have already been advised. This takes very little or no pressure, and they learn it very fast. Then, when he is old enough to begin whoa training, it will be much easier and faster. Most of all don't be in a hurry, and let him have fun.

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Re: Attention problems with HEEL and WHOA

Post by Ruffshooter » Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:29 am

I got to agree with GH and BD68 and VZ. Once your dog has more physical stature, you can train that dog to heelin a matter of a few days with a training collar, choke, pinch or ecollar. It is not a hard thing to train. Right now you may create a problem of your dog not being comfortable being away from you. (Not seeing, I am speculating). Let the dog gain confidence and intellegence about the world around her and where she will be hunting. The house companion stuff will come just being part of the family and even better when you train your formal yard work.
The best part of training is seeing the light come on in your little prot'eg'e.


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