e collar in the house

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e collar in the house

Post by vino1972 » Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:15 am

I have a 4 month old gwp that continues to jump on the kitchen counter, or table grabbing things. I have tried a number of things to redirect him which has not yet worked. My question is can I use an ecollar when he does jump on the table or counter and will this effect his yard and field training? Thanks

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Re: e collar in the house

Post by PntrRookie » Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:42 am

vino1972 wrote:I have tried a number of things to redirect him which has not yet worked.
vino, my first thought is the pup is only four months old and there should be a way to handle this without the collar. You need to set the rules now that you are the boss. I am sure you are doing that, but I would do it tougher. Here is what I would do if it were my pup (I am sure I may get people who disagree). I would set this up so I am there when he tries to get on the table and when he does...yell no, grab him, shake him, smack his nose, put him on his back on the floor, open a can of whoop a@# on him (of course in a loving way :) ) whatever it takes, and make him know that it is NOT ok and you are the boss...here again, it may take a few times for him to get it, but if you are consistent and do it all the time, he will stop. Make sure the rest of the family is on board with you and reprimands him as well.

To your original question. If a dog knows the command FIRST and you overlay the ecollar for reinforcement, the ecollar can be used anywhere. IMO...others may have opinions as well. That is mine.

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Re: e collar in the house

Post by kninebirddog » Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:36 am

I want the counter to become the source of correction so I would get some mice traps and quite a few of them or there are some counter surfer deterrents on the market check out foster smith ...

Thing about setting the dog up ...The dog can quickly learn that when you are around not OK and when you aren't there freedoms rings

I would try not to use the collar but IF you resort to the e collar be sure to set it at a little higher level and when the dog has committed the paws on the counter give a good zap make him learn there is a price to pay for being up there and FYI Do not and try not to be part of the picture Do not say a word ...Do not acknowledge the dog if he comes to you after the couch bit him...YOu have to act like nothing happened

Now another thought is on your redirects are you redirecting before or after the fact....the eyes scanning the table should be redirected then not when the muzzle is on the table ready to grab

You may also have to put a leash on the pup so when in the house you have constant control and If you have to concentrate on other things put him in an area where he can not get into trouble

Again the E collar is the last resort in this case at this age
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Re: e collar in the house

Post by dogirl » Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:16 am

Ditto what K9 said...

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Re: e collar in the house

Post by Brittguy » Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:38 am

To answer your question Yes and it will not affect his yard training

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Re: e collar in the house

Post by birddogger » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:27 pm

IMO, K9 nailed it. You don't want the pup to know you had anything to do with the correction.

If you think you can or if you think you can't, you are right either way

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Re: e collar in the house

Post by jbogacki76 » Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:17 am

My pup was jumping on the counter. I also had to shut all the bathroom doors because mine would rip up the toilet paper. I tried every correction possible and nothing worked. How did I solve this? I used a small mouse trap. I placed it on the toilet paper roll. When she went to grab the paper the trap fell to the floor and snapped. She jumped and stood back. I was not there to give her the correction, but when it needed to be given it was. She will now look at the toilet paper and walk away. With the counter I placed the traps upside down so they wouldn't get her. but when she placed her paws and tapped them they went off. She will not jump on the counter now after two times.

I know some people might not agree with this, but it worked for me. It also had zero impact on her towards a gun too. She is not gun shy at all. Some dogs might react different though, especially if they are timid.

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Re: e collar in the house

Post by bhairhoger » Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:20 am

I used mouse traps as well and it worked great.
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Re: e collar in the house

Post by Ryman Gun Dog » Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:55 am

I never use the e-collar around the house, you need to spend more time with your dog, if the dog is jumping on the counters.
After the dog understands what you expect of him, discipline the dog properly and become the big dog. At four months, the dog is only starting to understand what you expect, work with him more. I recommend the T&B collars only be used for field training, and I educate my clients in their proper use. If you are going to use the collar
as stimulation trainer, such as George Hickox does, sign up for his training classes. Myself I do not train in that manner, but it is effective.

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Re: e collar in the house

Post by twofeathers » Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:22 pm

In my own opinion when my dog "gets" to have his collar on he knows were gonna do something fun (hunting,training,long walks in the field) I would take control of my house similar to the earlier post with "Alpha dog tactics". It may seem to take some time but will pay off in the end when you can trust him in YOUR house whether you are there or not. Patience, Patience, Patience. I would do that for some time even before the mouse traps. Make that collar a sign to "turn on the other switch" and you can have a great house pet and hunter in the field. Sometimes looking for the quickest and easiest ways to do things can bite you in the rear.

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