Pinch Collar and E Collar together?

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Pinch Collar and E Collar together?

Post by ShadowChaser » Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:28 am

As you may suspect I am new to dog training and especially hunting dogs. I am interested in using a leather pinch collar, but also want my pup to get used to having an Ecollar on as well when we work. Do you actually put both collars on simultaneously? I don't have the funds for an active ecollar right now, but was thinking I could buy the dummy collar to get him used to wearing it. I read that it is not good to use an ecollar until they associate it with fun anyway.

In short, would it be okay to work with my pup on a check cord and pinch collar, while also having the ecollar on?

I imagine I should get him used to the pinch collar first so he knows what that does, then add the ecollar dummy so that he doesn't associate the pinch with the ecollar?

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Post by tailcrackin » Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:50 am

We usually let the dog drag the cc and pc for a little bit .....before any use, I dont recall how old a dog, but if there is not enough neck, dont bother with the e-collar. And actually you can do a whole lot at a younger age 6-7 mo. or less, with just regular collar and cc, dont be afraid to walk the dog through what you want to expect later, I am assuming ob. Then as dog grows up a little, then do your association with pinch collar, and e-coller teach p collar first and have the dog right. Then overlay e-collar

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Post by kninebirddog » Fri Apr 14, 2006 12:26 pm

An important thing to remember about the pinch collars they sit a bit lower on the neck you need to be sure your working with slack as if you do not have that bit of slack you will not have any correction as they will be bracing against the collar ..
This is one main reason I like the COmmand lead much better it is easier to keep it higher on teh neck in a proper postion and when the dog and if the dog starts to brace it is the first indication that the lead has slipped to low
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Post by Ridge-Point » Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:54 pm

I use both pinch coller and e-coller on at the same time. Plus I keep a dummy coller on them whenever we are training. There could be some benifit to not having the e-coller on when you are trying to get the pup used to the pinch coller, just so they aren't overwhelmed by having both those on all at once. It does add quite a bit of bulk on their neck, but it only lasts a few weeks anyway. By then they are transitioned to the e-coller correction only. Once you are to that point, everything is easy.


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