Back from the trainers

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Back from the trainers

Post by djswizz » Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:17 am

Just got Guinness back this weekend from a 1.5 month stay at Chris Goegan's HiPoint Kennels. He is whoa broke, comes on command, points on the pickup of the scent right away, etc. (sorry, I don't know the FT terms :-)) Can't wait to get him out this fall to ND for a good hunting jaunt. Anyway, I asked Chris about doing some training myself throughout the summer but he didn't want me doing that. I figured it's because I may try and train him in a way that he did not and this would lead to confusion in Guinness's eyes. What do you think about this? Chris did say that he wanted to give him a refresher course a few times before this fall's hunting season, but I feel I still need to work with him at least once a week and work on retreiving, more bird exposure, etc. Is this a good idea or do I just let him be until this fall's refresher?

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Post by littleking » Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:43 am

i havent been working addie on much other than playing in the water... fetch, fetch in water and just being a puppy...

shes 9 months now, shes gun broke, holds point to gun, and has all the drive in the world.

she's going back to brent in amanda here in a couple weeks until the beginning of the season
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Post by PntrRookie » Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:00 am

Not knowing your pup's exact age, but probably what Chris is also wanting is for the pup to be a pup for a while. You are correct on the confusion statement. Sometimes the less we try and "teach" and the more we do in "fun", goes a LONG way in the pups development. Like stated previously, I do not think there would be much hurt in having fun near water, playing fetch, going on walks, etc. and reinforcing the commands Chris taught. Basically reinforcing what the pup got from Chris in a fun/bonding way.

Let us know how ND goes!

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Post by Wagonmaster » Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:02 am

do you live anywhere near goegan? the right thing to do is to arrange an afternoon for goegan to explain how he has trained the dog, and how you should handle the dog.

sooner or later, if you are going to take him out hunting, you need to know how it is done the right way. and every trainer has a little different approach, so you should learn goegans way, the way he trained the dog.

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Post by djswizz » Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:16 am

Pntr: Good points. I will do just this. Oh and Guinness is 14 months old. And where in SW WI are you from? I was born/raised in Green Bay until I was 20. I still visit frequently to see family etc.

John: Yes I live about 20 minutes from Goegan. I'll have to go over things with him about the exact methoeds he used etc. I have done sessions with Chris and Guinness 3 times while he was being trained and watched him but we didn't formally go over the exact words, methods etc. he used. I just observed. I will do this though. On a side note, I am doing Goegan's web site. It should be ready very soon.

Do you all think that waiting until the Oct. start of the season is a good idea? I wouldn't think that a dog would be able to be as sharp as he could unless he was being "sharpened" throughout the summer. I would also think that my dog would sort of "forget" what to do? Is this possible? The most important thing Chris told me to do with him is to give him a great first hunting season. Then, if need be, we can do more training next year.

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Post by PntrRookie » Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:28 am

I am in SE WI 20 minutes NW of Milwaukee. Get together w/Chris and let him work with ya. Dogs are constantly learning and I do not think he is going to "forget" what he has learned. Will he be 100% - No. I really saw the light click on when my GSP hit 3-3.5 yrs old. After 3 (different) summer sessions of training, that 3-4th year was a blast. And has been ever since. They will not forget everything, yet they will not keep it all together after one training session...they are like kids/teenagers...keep working and build the foundation and you will enjoy him for years to come.

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Post by Wagonmaster » Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:52 am

here is what goegan understands that maybe you do not yet.

if you are thinking that the dog is going to be spot perfect his first season, you are going to be disappointed. being a young dog, and never having been hunted before, he is going to screw up. take birds out. run too big maybe. make all kinds of mistakes. think of him as the equivalent of about a 12 year old child. better at this point that you build up his enthusiasm and joy for the job of finding birds, than to worry too much about perfect manners.

the first year, you are really just along for the ride. if the dog does everything perfectly, great. if he does things not so perfectly but is enjoying it, great. once you get that joy for the job built into the dog you, or chris goegan, can do just about anything you want to with the dog.

maybe i am reading too much into this, but i am kind of guessing you are a beginning trainer. ordinarily, i would say do some training over the summer, keep it light, polish the dog up a little, give him some practice before the season. he is old enough to take the training. but goegan is probably a little concerned that if you do not know what you are doing, you will do more harm than good. too much planted bird work, for example, invariably leads to the dog crowding birds, getting right in on top of them. if the dog is standing off his birds right now, that is a good thing.

trust goegan. he is a heck of a trainer, he won the NGSPA National Ch. this year with Nuke. just keep insisting on being involved in the dog's training, many pros shut you out without meaning to. it is just easier and they do not have to spend a lot of time explaining everything.

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Post by djswizz » Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:45 am


I agree with you 100%. I am not expecting perfection at all - I know he will screw up and make mistakes. This is not what I am questioning at all. I just want to know if doing some light training over the summer by me, a beginner trainer, would do more harm that good. I just want to keep him polished like you said. I do trust Goegan - good guy. And I did know he won the NGSPA this year. I'm glad I have him right by me. I met Nuke and what a great dog.

What I will do is consult Chris some more to see what he expects..... Thanks for all the info guys.

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Post by Casper » Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:26 pm

Why not ask him to show you what you can do and how to do it so in the mean time the dog is still learning?

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