Recall birds?

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Recall birds?

Post by MI-Man » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:06 am

Have 10 Bobwhites in my recall house, been there a week. When I was putting the birds in the house (ordered 12), two got away from me.
Those two did not go far and for the next three days, I'd see them by the house (wanting to get in with the other 10) but the birds could not figure out how to get in.
In the next week I am planning to start the process of releasing the birds in the pen...slowly over time, before I work my pup on them.
I am concerned that the birds will not understand how to get back in the house (by using the entry holes), as the two that got away could not figure it out....
Anyone have experience/suggestions on how to train the birds to use the entry holes??

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Re: Recall birds?

Post by Neil » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:10 am

Unless you have really dumb birds, I would think you need to look at how your funnels are setup. I do force the birds through the funnel when I first put them in the JH.

You don't seem to have that problem, but I have found many pen birds are very silent, and have to use an electronic caller.

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Re: Recall birds?

Post by diplomat019 » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:17 am

i built a recall pen out of a 55 gallon drum. i let them sit in there for about 10 days. i only could get my hands on 6 quail so when i started to let them out i was nervous as heck that they wouldnt come back otherwise id be down. i let 2-3 out everyday for a few days and they always came back. but last week i put 2 out and worked my dog on them, and those 2 didnt come back. i dont know if i pressured them too soon with my dog or what. but they figured out to come back in so i think you will be good. i just let a few fly out and then walked away. they were back by night time when i closed the recall funnel

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