My dog won't point

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My dog won't point

Post by Wacmtracm » Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:50 pm

She's a 4month old GSP. She learned whoa, come, come around really fast. I did sight pointing with a quail wing around 3months old. She didn't point it at first but eventually did. I stopped once she pointed it that first time and never did it again.
Took her out with pigeons in launcher and she would get birdie 30 yards out but never lock up. I pulled her off of it and brought her back in and no point. I went ahead and whoaed her and released the bird. Did three more with no point so I stopped. I released the pigeons and bought quail. I'm hoping she just won't point pigeons. Any tips before I run her. I kind of feel this next training session is her most important one. I really hope she points

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Re: My dog won't point

Post by setterpoint » Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:52 pm

thats a lot of training for a four month old dog i would stop the training and let the dog be a pup just let the dog run in the field or woods with no comands except mayby hear let the dog explor you would be surprised what a dog can learn own there own but keep the dog out of trouble

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Re: My dog won't point

Post by shags » Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:32 pm

When my dogs are that young, i fly some quail out and let the pup just go hunting, and do what they will. The pups almost always need a little help locating the birds, and I help by walking them into the area, crosswind. When puppies haven't had any bird exposure, they don't always lock up, most of mine road in or just jump the first birds. Sometimes they are so clueless that they nose the bird out and try to play with it. I had my youngest dog out as a pup probably 6 times before he pointed. It doesn't matter what they do at 4 months old, what matters is that they get exposure and the whole deal is fun and no pressure for them. I wouldn't even think about using launchers for little guys. That's way too intense - on your part, IMO.

Take your pup for walks in easy cover where you have some released birds. Let him figure things out. Don't put yourself or your pup under any kind of pressure - what happens, happens and what doesn't, doesn't. IME there is no training session that is *ever* the most important one. One builds on the next, and if one doesn't go as planned ( or desired) you try again next time. Keep in mind that bird dogs do best if brought along as development, not Point A to Point B training.

Good luck, relax and have some fun with your puppy. They grow up way too fast.

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Re: My dog won't point

Post by oldbeek » Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:27 pm

Go back to pigeons. Clip a wing and tie a 4x6 piece of cardboard on 12 inch of string to its leg. Toss it out and let pup run it down and play with it. Don't demand a fetch or anything else. Just let it play. Do this weekly until pup gets birdy.

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Re: My dog won't point

Post by ezzy333 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:34 pm

Your puppy at 4 months relates to a two year old child. Seldom will you find one even housebroke at that age, and I mean your child and not the pup. It will point when it is ready and that will usually be somewhere between 2 and 12 months. In the mean time it is nothing more than some nice little puppy that needs to learn some basic commands such as come, down, and kennel. and also learn it is fun to do things with you,


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Re: My dog won't point

Post by cjhills » Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:29 pm

The longer I do this the more I believe that there is no useful reason to have a pup on birds at four months. Also no launchers and other phony things like carded pigeons. Keep in mind that comes from somebody whose dog has been the subject of several posts on here. Not the least of which was blinking birds.
Let the puppy be a puppy. If you can get him out where there are wild birds take him for walks and let him chase, bump and have fun. if the pup has decent genetics it will come out. Do not be in a hurry. you got about 8 or 9 months 'til bird seasons.............................Cj

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Re: My dog won't point

Post by oldbeek » Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:53 pm

cjhills you are right. I had lots of problems with my pup because I pushed her to hard. I trained,trained,trained, almost every day. BIG MISTAKE! I learned my lesson and found a pro trainer. He said back off on the training. Letting pup run down carded pigeons, one bird a week, is his first step. It is purely pup playing birds. I have watched non birdy dogs become bird crazy dogs using this method.

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Re: My dog won't point

Post by Trekmoor » Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:53 am

Like the other folk who have answered I think you are worrying too much about what a 4 months old little puppy can or cannot do.
If the pup has the right breeding it will point its own time.

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Re: My dog won't point

Post by cjhills » Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:02 am

oldbeek wrote:cjhills you are right. I had lots of problems with my pup because I pushed her to hard. I trained,trained,trained, almost every day. BIG MISTAKE! I learned my lesson and found a pro trainer. He said back off on the training. Letting pup run down carded pigeons, one bird a week, is his first step. It is purely pup playing birds. I have watched non birdy dogs become bird crazy dogs using this method.
I hope you were not offended by my post. If so I apologize. It was only intended to point out what can happen from too much training and artificial birds. The dogs soon learn it is fake.
I have made almost every imaginable mistake. The best part is going too slow is not one of them. Given time everything works out and most times what you think are dog issues are really trainer issues. Mostly the dog will forgive you.............CJ

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Re: My dog won't point

Post by NEhomer » Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:30 am

The common theme here is to enjoy and bond with your pup and don't stress. He's at 4 months and they do grow up fast.

I chuckle to recall that I started a thread here about my setter's range at 4 months. I couldn't kick him out from underfoot. Everyone told me to relax and that it's impossible to know a dog's range at that age. Of course, they were correct. At a little over a year he's out 200yds in fields and 50-75 in the woods exactly as I prefer.

Good luck with your pup.

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Re: My dog won't point

Post by Wacmtracm » Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:32 pm

Thanks yall, this post didn't go up right away cause it was my first one. I ended up running her on quail and she did really well the first day. Then I run her again and no point. I guess I'll give it a rest a while. I have access to lots of land with such different terrain. I've been taking her out on long walks since 10weeks. She is a great dog and handles well. She ranges out for a pup. We have a great bond already. I was getting apprehensive cause she started trailing deer and hogs while out there and eating poop. I figured I better establish desire for birds before she decides she likes trailing armadillos or something:)

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