Whoa training tie/lead????

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Whoa training tie/lead????

Post by Equismith » Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:40 am

I was talking with a gentleman yesterday who was telling me about working with a fellow named Frank Cox. Mr. Cox is deceased. The gentleman speaking of Mr. Cox, James Scott, spoke very highly of him and said Cox trained dogs for many years in Central NC.

Anyway, we were talking of Libby, my Brit, and the subject of whoa came up. He was trying to described a lead tie method where you bring the lead over the spine of the dog, wrap it around the torso/abdomen, and secure it (somehow) so that it wouldn't slip. The pressure applied at whoa would stop the dog in its tracks by tightening up around the loins.

Can anyone elaborate on this method?

Libby is responding well to my limited training efforts. My work schedule changed in Dec and now I leave for work a daylight and get home at dark. As the summer arrives I'll have more daylight for training, but for now I have to make do. Her whoa is still something we need to work on.

Thanks all.

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Post by gonehuntin' » Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:52 am

You'll see some call it a "Flank Hitch" and some use a lead made for the purpose called a "Suitcase Lead". Everyone has their own preferences, but I've never liked it. I will on occasion use a long flank collar on the dog but generally, I've found just working from the neck works fine. It's just preference really, both work.

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