When and Why E Collar use

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When and Why E Collar use

Post by blackjeephunter » Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:19 am

At what age and why would I introduce my dog to an e-collar. She knows to come when called but often chooses to ignore me, and everyone else. I don't think that is why I should use start zapping her but I would like to learn when and why?

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Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by luke0927 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:27 am

how old is the dog......you can't just start zapping the dog...you have to make sure the dog knows the command and then you overlay the collar to the command and then only when you need it.

So here is how you would start with the come or here command...the dog will need to be on the CC you will say the command and then tug the dog so it come into you. You will do this until the dog is perfect on the CC then you can overlay the collar to the CC....dog on CC say command e collar on and pull CC all a the same time as soon as the dog is turned coming to you stimulation is off...if the dog turn or doesn't come straight in same thing stimulation and tug and command at the same time....you will then work on the command with stimulation only but the CC is still on just in case you need it...you will work all the way up to only using the ecollar when the command is not complied with.


Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by blackjeephunter » Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:56 am

that is pretty much what I understood. And I don't want to zap my dog at all but she is pretty hard headed. On CC she is 100% on "Come". Take the cord off, she likes to do her own thing on occasion. You know, the nose goes down and ears get turned off.

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Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by natetnc » Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:53 am

blackjeephunter wrote:And I don't want to zap my dog at all
no need to "zap" your dog. i have a soft dog and she responds well to very low levels of stimulation. at the correct level the ecollar does not hurt the dog..... so many people don't understand that. i can barely even feel the stimulation i give my dog, even less than sticking your tounge to a 9V, and i used to do that for fun when i was a kid.

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Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by myerstenn » Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:36 am

Do as stated above ,achieve the first step , go to a cord attached to the moving dog, let the dog drag the cord . Same sequence as first step above. Start with level one on your collar , it really shouldnt take more than a 1 or 2. dont use the higher levels unless you are sure the dog fully understands the command .The collar can ruin a dog rather quickly ,error on the side of less not more.

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Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by RayGubernat » Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:13 pm



What breedof dog is it?


What obedience behaviors does the dog know how to do off lead in the yard?

Without the above information, it is not really possible for me to give you useful advice.



Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by blackjeephunter » Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:30 pm

5 month old Female Brittany, 1 month of yard training, includes basic commands and some exposure to pidgeons. She is hard headed, not dumb. I don't have an E-Collar, I just asked the question about when and why.

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Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by romeo212000 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:59 pm

Buy a good quality e-collar and they will usually come with a dvd on basic introduction. That will give you an idea of how the ecollar should be used. You have a lot to learn about it just like all of us did and frankly I just dont have the energy to give you a good thourough explanation, but there are some good people on here who will help you out with that.

Basically remember to overlay the collar with pressure the dog already understands, and dont shock a dog you cant see. The collar is a reinforcement tool. Not a training tool.

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Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by gonehuntin' » Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:21 pm

Five months old is pretty young. A lot of dogs are ruined at that age.

My guess is, you haven't really obedience trained the dog thoroughly. Have you challenged and proofed her?

Remember that the collar is the final step and is only used when all commands are thoroughly known, understood, and complied with. Then the collar is used as a tool of reinforcement only. I wait until I'm finished with force fetch, then collar break the dog to all commands.

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Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by RayGubernat » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:55 pm

blackjeephunter -

Perfect! Thank you.

I very much agree with gonehuntin that you have a ways to go. I will also say that Britts, as a rule, do not require much in the way of negative reinforcement. I would prefer to see you focusing on positive reinforcement and play training to get the dog to come to you. Bribery works too.

One month of yard training on a 5 month old dog is not very much at all. I would suggest that you invest in a Smith "Wonder lead" or if you are on a budget, a pigging string. This type of lead is heavily waxed and the loop has a lot of "springiness" to it. When you put the loop over the dog's neck and walk with it, if the dog pulls, the loop closes putting pressure on the dog's neck. When the dog walks quietly by your side, the loop opens, releasing the pressure.

As far as the dog not coming when called, that again is something that needs to be addressed in the yard, with a checkcord. You might want to invest in a pinch or prong collar in a couple of months to reinforce the command and also to prepare the dog for wearing an e-collar by conditioning the dog to neck contact pressure. The wonder lead does that also, but a pinch or prong collar really sets the dog up for an e-collar IMO.

My suggestion as far as timing is concerned, is that you work with your youngster for about three more months in the yard. Heel/whoa drills, come, kennel should all be well introduced by then.

The dog should be heeling on a loose checkcord or free and should come...instantly when called. When your youngster can do that...you can begin to consider e-collar use.

Again, to agree with, reiterate and reinforce what gonehuntin said, you should only use the e-collar as a long distance checkcord to "remind" the dog that compliance to a known command is NOT optional. You should never use an e-collar to correct a dog unless the dog knows, VERY WELL, what it is supposed to do. Even a one year old dog is pretty young to be stimulating it with an e-collar.

See what you can do with a checkcord and a wonder lead. Don't rush it.

There are other ways to use and e-collar eg. avoidance training, but that is not what you are doing and where you are going.



Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by blackjeephunter » Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:10 am

Perfect response Ray,

That is what I was looking for. I have check cord and will continue with that for some time. I also don't want to get into to big of a hurry so I decided to ask here.

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Re: When and Why E Collar use

Post by RayGubernat » Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:27 am

Blackjeephunter -

My dogs ALWAYS wear an e-collar in the field when training. ALWAYS.

However, I very rarely need it, even with younger dogs. I very much prefer to get my hands on the dog and do what the dog needs done with my hands and/or voice. If I suspect a training issue, I will try to set up the session so that the dog will be positioned to "mess up" when I am close by. I believe this makes any corrections or instructions or reminders, much more meaningful to the dog and thus allows me to use much less negative pressure. If a sharp word gets it done, why get physical? Even when I discipline a dog, when all is said and done, the dog gets a pat or a stroke or a "good dog", before we move on.

The Brittanys I have been exposed to have been VERY attentive and very willing to cooperate. I do believe it is in their nature to be so. They are also usually pretty smart and will try to figure out what you want. Sometimes that means they will "anticipate" your directions, which can get them crossways with you.

Patience, persistence and a sense of humor and you should be fine.

Good luck to you both.


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