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2 yr old Field ESS and a bench bred one too!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:55 am
by lemmingfreak
Isabelle (See singature) is a field bred Springer Spaniel from a strong hunting background. Did you know rabbits could scream? Well they can because Izzie killed one and it screamed. Charley is my bench bred Springer Spaniel who is more of a lover (was beaten up by a baby bird... some bird dog). Anyways, I want to train Izzie (which shouldn't be an extremetly difficult task) to do field trials.

Retrieve: Yes, sometimes it turns into tug of war and keep away
Flush: The birds that live in my backyard are slowly becoming less and less.
Search: Never really taught her but her tail goes a million miles a minute when she finds an interesting scent
Offleash: 80/20 (20 percent of the time she is to distracted to be offleash).
Kills: over eight birds and one rabbit (okay so this isn't necessarily a good thing but she's never broke the skin!)

What are my next steps?

Re: 2 yr old Field ESS and a bench bred one too!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:10 am
by daniel77
You need a program to start with, and books have been written on that. Way to much to put in a single post. Here's a place to start. ... 781&sr=1-1

Re: 2 yr old Field ESS and a bench bred one too!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:10 am
by Ruffshooter
As Daneil states a good program will get you what you need.
You have a dog with prey drive for sure.
So now you need to get a handle on him or her.

A structured program will do that for you.
