May have bought a blind puppy on accident.

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May have bought a blind puppy on accident.

Post by the_possum » Mon May 14, 2012 11:10 am

Ok. Maybe not blind. And she's still young so this probably isn't a big deal but here's my question.

She is obsessed with using her nose. She's 13 weeks old and we've been heading out to the land quite a bit since we brought her home at 8 weeks. Its nose to the ground, go-go-go and ranging a bit further everytime gaining some confidence.

However that nose is ALWAYS to the ground. She was following her nose out into a cut corn-field the other day and didn't even notice the deer standing about 10 yards in front of her till it bolted. Same thing with the birds and butterflies and every other bit of visual stimuli. I'm hoping this is a good problem to have because I don't want her to sight point for obvious reasons but if this persists (and being as young as she is i have no idea if it will) do i need to work on getting her to point by sight as well as scent?

just kind of curious because i'm surprised by how oblivious she is to everything when she's working scent.

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Re: May have bought a blind puppy on accident.

Post by AG74 » Mon May 14, 2012 11:35 am

Good lookin pup - is she a Griff?

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Re: May have bought a blind puppy on accident.

Post by the_possum » Mon May 14, 2012 11:38 am


She's been a lot of fun so far.

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Re: May have bought a blind puppy on accident.

Post by RayGubernat » Mon May 14, 2012 12:56 pm

A bird dog "sees" just about everything with their nose. By that I mean their sense of smell colors and completes the sensory input they get from eyes and ears, touch and taste.

Your youngster is exploring its new world and cataloging what it comes across. It is using its most discriminating sense in an effort to learn what is what and what is where as quickly as it can.

As far as a dog obsessing with could have worse problems, I think. :lol: :lol:

When your pup gets a bit older, throw a few pigeons in her direction. Betcha she picks her head up for them. :D :)

By the way, you should watch how the dog learns, how it experiments, how it processes information. See how it reacts to new things, to perceived threats, etc. Knowing how your puppy reacts to things can help you a great deal when you begin to train because when you do something or introduce something and the trainee reacts as it did when it was a puppy, you have a pretty good idea of how the pup is "seeing" that, and how it will react to it.

Each dog is different and if you learn how it learns, learn what buttons to push, what ones NOT to push, and how best to teach it, you will be waaaaay ahead.

Have fun.


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