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Let it be...

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:10 pm
by mountaindogs
Mantra to self this evening. Was trying to do bird work (with pigeons that still need to be close to their pen to return) with two dogs. Field left of me was being deer hunted so OUT. Field right of me (around small pond and small field anyway) whole family fishing. OUT. Another place across the road is optional but pretty far for the pigeons still. Started to set the launcher up and my hand slipped releasing the mechanism... good by bird. Flew completely the wrong way. I hope he circles back but decided not to risk it with my other pigeons since I only have 8 returning right now, and two are paired up with young.
I thought well, I'll show the pigeons to the lab puppy and let them fly in the yard back to coop. Last bird landed on edge of my dog kennel with the dog I have been working through hard mouth. Then, you guessed it, dropped INTO the run!!! SERIOUSLY :evil:
I screamed WHOA (probably not the best trainer moment) and somehow the pigeon was grabbed then escaped, and the whoa was ignored, as I should have expected.
moved indoors and taught my lab puppy how to shake hands. A very practical end to a toss up of an evening. :roll:

Sometimes you just have to shrug and go on with it...

Re: Let it be...

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:16 pm
by prairiefirepointers
Yep... Sometimes you just have to punt. :lol:

Re: Let it be...

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:39 am
by Bberry20
not that it is ever funny to hear the blunders while trying to train, but that did make me laug a little. Hopefully the hadshake session went better than the birds? :lol:

Re: Let it be...

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:00 am
by boonebrit
I cant wait to screw up with my new pup! Times like those are what make you thankful for the "everything coming together" moments. Thanks for the story.

Re: Let it be...

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:29 am
by mountaindogs
Just an update both pigeons returned! One is half naked though. :lol:

We got shake down nicely.

Re: Let it be...

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:01 am
by Sharon
Must have been one of those days. I too had 2 lousy flying pigeons that screwed up the training period. I was born in the wrong year. Wish I'd be born around 1913 when wild birds were abundant up here.

Re: Let it be...

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:31 pm
by snips
I hav a few more coming on if u want to get them on Wed when u come. Story of my life, we hav loaded dogs twice to go to the places we train other than here, got to one and cover was too thick to get a bird flushed, other was mowed to the ground...Ugh!

Re: Let it be...

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:31 am
by codym
Sometimes training just turns into a train wreck! I have had a few more of those days than I would like to remember. Pigeons will give you the finger everytime. Just have to shake it off and keep moving foreward.