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Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:35 am
by Sierra Wirehair
A disgusting habit. I was wondering if anyone had any causes or fixes for this behavuior? We have tried pinapple juice in the foods and it does help when we are consistent.

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:38 am
by Luisia02
Try 1 teaspoon of tomato paste in their food.

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:52 am
by DogNewbie
Sierra Wirehair wrote:A disgusting habit. I was wondering if anyone had any causes or fixes for this behavuior? We have tried pinapple juice in the foods and it does help when we are consistent.
I heard giving actual pineapple works better than just juice.

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:40 pm
by taxidermy
go to the health store and buy some chlorpphyll ,after a few days your dog will stop eating it.
It helps aid in digestion, cleanses the blood and neutralizes odors ,once your pup get out of the habit you can stop.
stool will be green and will not have an odor, do not use. if your trying to breed a bitch as she will not have as strong of an odor that attracts the male.
or change your dog food ;your pup is not digesting all what he eats.

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:00 pm
by Sharon
Almost every dog does this if given the chance. There is still lots of "good stuff" in that feces and it is not to be wasted. :? Only solution is to pick up the poop immediately.

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:37 pm
by ezzy333
taxidermy wrote:go to the health store and buy some chlorpphyll ,after a few days your dog will stop eating it.
It helps aid in digestion, cleanses the blood and neutralizes odors ,once your pup get out of the habit you can stop.
stool will be green and will not have an odor, do not use. if your trying to breed a bitch as she will not have as strong of an odor that attracts the male.
or change your dog food ;your pup is not digesting all what he eats.
I think it has been proven over and over it has nothing to due with the feed or the digestion. It just plain smells good to a dog and I think it is more an act of boredom than anything else.


Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:52 pm
by taxidermy
out of more than 135 hunting dogs i never had one eat their own poo but most of them like the cat poo, as far as the smell ;that is why you use the chlorophyll if you have the prob.
i do not think this is true "Almost every dog does this if given the chance."
I'v had hunting dog since 1970 and foo-foo dogs since 1952.
the food thing was my opinion after reading many vet articles,
but you may know better than i, ezzy, so i'll go with that.

BTW i think it's nasty

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:09 pm
by Fester
Nothing like a smoking pile of horse doo to arouse a young dog
Fester :oops:

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:34 pm
by carlsutton
Every dog I have had has eaten poop when young. Youngun's also love to roll in cow dung, the fresher the better, roll over on dead critters especially dead skunks and porkies. Pulling quills out later does not seem to discourage the next roll on a dead porky. Eating fresh horse droppings seems to be a fun past time for the young one's. Somehow someway it must go back the genetic behavior of the wolf. Just get a doggie bath tub and be prepared to give baths. Diaper changes come with babies, dog baths come with puppies. It's just part of life's cycle and no way no how are you going to change it. Just accept it, and by the way, a doggie tooth brush helps with bad breath, or at least makes me not want to cringe with the next affectionate lick.

Carl Sutton

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:21 am
by Francois P vd Walt
I have seen several poo eaters cattle, horse and even dog eating other dogs doodle, they get over it. It will not harm the pup as much as it harms the owners stomach, not nice to watch. Lions that are the top predators and they also do it!

Would not worry to much about it as soon as the dogs gets to work and find birds most naughtiness stops, my 2c.

Remember to enjoy your dog :D

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 1:29 pm
by sean english
I am having the same problem with my pup. I contacted the vet and they said give them the pineapple treatment. That only works if they eat their own. She eats other dogs' stool. I cant feed all the dogs in the neighborhood pineapple. lol
So, I watch her closely when we go for a walk and as soon as she gets close to eating stool or anything else, I say No. She is getting better. I hit her the other day with rolled paper after she defied my "No" command and after that she does a lot better. I think she will grow out of it.

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:34 pm
by Vman
My Vet told me that if I could come up with a solution to the stool eating I would be a millionaire.
Frozen turds seem to be the most enticing. Rather than feeding them their food, pickup some frozen turds and put them in the bowl. I look at it like this, if you want to eat skat have at it, have all you want. Turns them right off.

Have had some success with Adolphs meat tenderizer sprinkled on the feed.

Re: Pup Eating Stools

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:19 pm
by buckeyebowman
Vman wrote:My Vet told me that if I could come up with a solution to the stool eating I would be a millionaire.
Frozen turds seem to be the most enticing. Rather than feeding them their food, pickup some frozen turds and put them in the bowl. I look at it like this, if you want to eat skat have at it, have all you want. Turns them right off.

Have had some success with Adolphs meat tenderizer sprinkled on the feed.
Man! There's an idea! They're not called s**t eatin' dogs for nothing! I've seen dogs absolutely chow down on horse droppings, although they seem to have an affinity for cat poop. Turkey will pick through horse poop for spent grain. And chickens? Well, they're just chickens!

Yes, it's gross to us humans, but the critters don't seem to make the same value judgements.