ps/pf heel and whoa

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ps/pf heel and whoa

Post by ibbowhunting » Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:19 pm

ok we have been working on heel and whoa as per perfect start dvd, only we are using a wonder lead not a choke collar, it seems like we hit a point where we are not improving anymore she will heal only on lead and whoa only on lead with some help i can pivot in front of her when she is on whoa,i just seems like every day there is no improvement maybe im just not see it. anybody have good results with this type of whoa training, any tips on moving forward?

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Re: ps/pf heel and whoa

Post by RayGubernat » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:09 pm

I use a pigging string which operates similarly to a command lead and do heel/whoad drills ala Paul Long in his book.

Sometimes the dog seems like it is not making progress, so I will try some things to mix it up and keep it fresh and interesting for the dog...and me too. I will speed up, slow down, hesitate, do stutter steps, do stop and gos and even back up. Not in the same sequence of course but I will throw the student the occasional curveball, just to get the pup's attention. I will also change leads, every so often so the dog learns it must heel from both the right and the left. I try to make a "gotcha" type game out of it and I try to keep it light and fun. Praise and a couple of head rubs when they do it right and a gotcha and a laugh and a couple of head rubs when you catch the dog . Dogs learn faster and pay closer attention. when they are trying to anticipate your next move and they love to play, so why not put both together.

I also do some light retrieving or some play boxing in between the heel/whoa drills, just to loosen the dog up and lighten things up.

When I stop, I put my hand down in front of the dog in a "stop signal" position and then I will walk ahead. If the dog steps off or attempts to, I pop the lead, return to the dog's side, stroke it, GENTLY set it back up, stroke it up, repeat the hand signal and step out again.

Hope some of this helps.


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Re: ps/pf heel and whoa

Post by bb560m » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:03 pm

how old is your britt? do you have it on the collar during whoa yet?

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Re: ps/pf heel and whoa

Post by campgsp » Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:28 am

How long have you been going through the process? What exactly is the pup doing?
From what I'm getting from your post is she is heeling on lead, good. She is woahing on lead, good. You just can't get infront yet.? Right? Sorry for all the questions to a question, just trying to figure out exactly where your at.
One thing I do differently then the DVD with woah when the dog moves I pick them up, a little shake, and place them back in that spot. A couple times is all it usually takes. (Once they understand the command).

You might just be getting ahead of yourself. If the pup is not obeying the command right when it is given you should step backa little. Dont worry about getting infront until you've start conditioning the collar. Some dogs take longer then others don't worry it all comes together.

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