Running pups with older dogs

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Smoking aces
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Running pups with older dogs

Post by Smoking aces » Mon May 06, 2013 8:45 pm

This my first post but have followed GDF for a few years, i grew up hunting pheasants with labs my whole life but past few years been hunting behind my families GSPs. I personally have one GSP that I hunt nearly everyday during pheasant season she did exceptional her first season. My female will be two this fall, I am looking at adding another pup this year and was curious what your guy's opinion is on the benefit or discourage on running one young female who is still learning but has had over 200 birds shot over her first year and a younger pup, will it be detrimental to both? My trainer recommended running my female by herself in the fall I never quite understood why. I would start the pup by herself and work on both separately both for basic field work and I live on a game farm so access to birds is not an issue for both dogs. I am looking to get into Hunt Tests I also run tournaments. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks

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Re: Running pups with older dogs

Post by DoubleBarrel GunDogs » Mon May 06, 2013 10:47 pm

Personally I would work on getting the older dog to back before hunting her with another dog, and let the pup learn to hunt on it's own. Often a young dog will follow an older dog around and want to play more than hunt. Also be sure that the pup is properly introduced to birds and guns before hunting it. Don't assume that the pup can't develop a bird or gun problem, and don't fall into the trap of comparing the 2 dogs.


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Re: Running pups with older dogs

Post by AZ Brittany Guy » Tue May 07, 2013 8:35 am

I think running with an older dog is helpful......for a while. It will get pup focused on the field rather than you and help build independence. Doing it for too long can make pup a follower and rely on the older dog to find the birds. Just realize you will come to point that the pup must be trained and run alone until they are fully trained and independent.

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Re: Running pups with older dogs

Post by whoadog » Tue May 07, 2013 9:29 am

In your trainer's shoes, I would give the same advice. Given that your 2 yr old is just going through her second season, you probably don't have her nailed down tight yet. Dogs learning from other dogs goes both ways and I have seen a pup goad a young dog into behavior that they know is wrong but were just too immature to resist with the young pup doing what it was doing. Now, if trust your 2 yr old implicitly, I would have no reservation letting the pup follow and learn. But, if there is still training to do with the 2 yr old, I would avoid running it with the pup. When I say like "running a pup with an older dog", I mean a dog that is 3 or 4 years old or older and that I know will do the right thing even when the pup does dumb things like bust the older dog's birds.

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Re: Running pups with older dogs

Post by bb560m » Tue May 07, 2013 10:09 am

Not until they are hunting independently of the older dog.

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Smoking aces
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Re: Running pups with older dogs

Post by Smoking aces » Tue May 07, 2013 10:43 am

Thanks for the input!

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