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GSP shaking

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:06 pm
by Bluesky2012
My 1.5 year old GSP shakes a little sometimes when he is laying down or asleep and I've never thought anything of it. We hunted quail yesterday afternoon for a few hours and it was a little warm (48-50 degrees). He came out after the hunt a little sore from running, briars and brambles etc and has a slight limp from a cut pad. Didn't think anything of him moping around the house today because I figured he was just beat from a good hard hunt, but I've noticed he's doing a lot more shaking when he lays down (both asleep and awake) and it's not small little spasms it's a little bigger but not violently shaking. He doesn't seem irritable or sick, just looks sore and tired from hunting. Wondering if that's normal or if I should be concerned. I figure it's probably a nutrient imbalance from losing electrolytes so I've been giving him water and food to help get him back on track. He drank a lot while hunting. Would y'all be concerned with this now that it's 24 hours after?

Re: GSP shaking

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:38 am
by melliott518
My previous shorthair used to do what I think you are describing. My wife was always concerned with it but we never had her looked at because of it. We even woke her up a time or two when she was shaking. If it will ease your mind, have her checked by your Vet.

Re: GSP shaking

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:24 pm
by bow.hunter123
I wouldnt be to concerned probably just worn out. My short hair does the same thing when she sleeps that night.

Re: GSP shaking

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:31 pm
by bow.hunter123
Where are you located in Jacksonville?

Re: GSP shaking

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:29 pm
by cutty72
Every GSP I've ever known shakes.
One of my hunting companions GSP shakes so bad that the whole couch vibrates when she's laying on it!
Her sister is just as bad. I'd say it's normal for the breed.

GSP shaking

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:59 pm
by Bluesky2012
Yeah he's doing fine I think it was just muscle spasms or something from being really tired. He did great that day thought and got about 30 pen raised quail, then we traveled to Mississippi to duck hunt about 36 hours later. For an 18 month old dog and a rookie trainer, proud of his performance these past few weeks between quail and duck hunts.

Re: GSP shaking

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:27 am
by ChetB
My GSP does the same thing when she sleeps ... she shakes, quivers, sometimes softly whimpers, moans and growls ... I think she's dreaming! Now and then I'll wake her and she falls backs to sleep almost immediately after taking a deep breath. I've never really been concerned about it.