recall and retrieving question

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recall and retrieving question

Post by lpk_moe » Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:18 pm

I know these are very basic questions but I am also very new to all of this so I go to ya'll for help. I can't learn if I don't ask. My pup is 10 weeks old today at what point do you start working on simple recall for his name? What do you do to teach him his name?

Also retrieving? He will retrieve now but sometimes he brings it back most the time he just runs around with the bumper.

One last thing he found a quail yesterday and when I went to get it from him I got a little growl from him. I did nothing I waited till he dropped it and took him away from the bird then. Is this something I should worry about since he is just 10 weeks old. I was very happy to see him wanting the quail.

I have read and watched videos and everyone has there way and it can get somewhat confusing so just thought I would ask.


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Re: recall and retrieving question

Post by Timewise65 » Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:33 pm

I primarily own and work with retrievers. Pups at 10 weeks are equivalent to a human infant. But unlike humans, they can run, play, feed themselves, etc. but they still are infants. They can learn their name if you find a toy or a treat and work with them, come to me when I call your name and you get a toy to play with or a treat. Using something like food or toy to reward them is ok at this young age. In time they will respond to their name without reward other than love from you. Hint do not pick a call name that sounds anything like any of your sit, heal, Whoa, down, drop, etc. etc.....also, many tell me a one syllable name is best...My current dogs are named but I use the call name (xxx) Maddie (Dee), Spirit (Boo), Golden Fox (Fox)

The fact this 'infant' is already grabbing something you throw and thinking about coming back to you is a real good sign. Ok to keep it up, but keep it fun, with no punishment for not coming to you. But, when he does return to you with toy in his mouth, reward him with love and attention. That will help you reinforce this good behavior. But do not expect to much at this age....and his growling is not anything to worry about at this age, he just has some spunk...again no punishment for not doing what you want at this age, focus on reinforcing good behavior with treats or play.

Have you considered finding a local puppy obedience course. We always do this with our new pups after they have all the shots to make it safe for them to be around other dogs, usually round 12wks. We like obedience that focuses on these commands...sit (and stay), down (and stay), here Come), drop it, and heal (on lead). They usually have these classes at night, for 6 weeks maybe 1 or twice per week. The dog will get socialized to working with other dogs and will come out of the class with a good beginning for all future training.

Or get one or both of these DVD's and follow these programs for puppies....Sound Beginnings with Jackie Mertens and/or Training a Retriever Puppy with Bill Hillman. Although both of these primarily are for Retrievers, we are talking about very basic field obedience. All dogs need this basic skills and after this you can go full bore into specific training for Pointing or Flushing Dogs.

Good Luck

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Re: recall and retrieving question

Post by oldbeek » Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:29 pm

this is the time get him used to just wearing a collar. With pointers i do not train sit. have fun with him.

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Re: recall and retrieving question

Post by lpk_moe » Wed Aug 31, 2016 6:31 am

Thanks, that made a lot of sense. I did check the videos out last night. Thanks for that recommendations.


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Re: recall and retrieving question

Post by Timewise65 » Wed Aug 31, 2016 8:47 am

I am glad I could help! I forgot to mention the most important comment of all..................Have fun with and enjoy you pup! Always take time to play with them! They are only with us for such a short time, every day with them is precious....SMILE

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Re: recall and retrieving question

Post by Swampbilly » Wed Aug 31, 2016 8:42 pm

lpk_moe wrote:I know these are very basic questions but I am also very new to all of this so I go to ya'll for help. I can't learn if I don't ask. My pup is 10 weeks old today at what point do you start working on simple recall for his name? What do you do to teach him his name?

Also retrieving? He will retrieve now but sometimes he brings it back most the time he just runs around with the bumper.

One last thing he found a quail yesterday and when I went to get it from him I got a little growl from him. I did nothing I waited till he dropped it and took him away from the bird then. Is this something I should worry about since he is just 10 weeks old. I was very happy to see him wanting the quail.

I have read and watched videos and everyone has there way and it can get somewhat confusing so just thought I would ask.

There's several different things you can start doing before you get to formal training. As mentioned pup is very young, yet, a little learning sponge soaking up information.
For example-
Little things like when pup is already enroute to you on his own you can say HERE, and clap your hands as he's coming to you. A short-n- sweet intro to a live clipped winged in the yard, let him give chase.
Toss a small puppy bumper and encourage him to run after it, and pick it up.
No expectations, keep it fun, and lots of praise for success!

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Re: recall and retrieving question

Post by oregon woodsmoke » Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:48 pm

lpk_moe wrote:. My pup is 10 weeks old today at what point do you start working on simple recall for his name? What do you do to teach him his name?..............l
I start teaching a pup to come when called when they are about 3 weeks old-- or as soon as they can toddle towards me. If I am buying the pup, training to come when called starts when I am there to pick the pup up from the breeder.

It's nothing like a formal recall. Chirping, laughing, whistling, call their name and give lots of attention when they get to you. If I call, the pup must come, no exceptions. Not any punishment, but I go out and fetch them, gain their attention and get them to follow me back to where I called them. Once we get to where I called them, there is praise. Sometimes clapping and running away will bring the pup quickly.

It's easy when they are little to make them come every time they are called. You can establish a habit that will last a lifetime and never have any issues with a grown dog deciding he won't come because he has never learned that you can't make him or that you will give up and go away of he doesn't mind you.

Teaching their name? I just use their name when I talk to them. They learn who they are pretty easily. In fact, most of my dogs self-identify with 3-4 names; their own and a couple of nicknames.

My pup is 14 weeks and turns like a shot and runs to me when she is called, with a big grin on her face. Although the big issue is to get her to go far enough away so I can call her back to me. Also to try to keep her from slamming into me.

The pup should learn that good things happen when he comes to you. He should also be learning right now that "come" is not optional.

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