Trouble finding training birds

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Trouble finding training birds

Post by Easttngsp » Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:16 am

I am really struggling to find training birds in my area. I've look all over marketplace, Craigslist, and looked for groups on Facebook all to no avail. The only thing I can find are coturnix quail. Does anyone have suggestions on where to get bobs or pigeons. I'm in the East TN area.


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Re: Trouble finding training birds

Post by deseeker » Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:15 am

You might ask your Game & Parks Comm, In Nebraska the Game & Parks have records on who is raising game birds as they have to have a lic to do so. In Nebraska they will give you a list on who raises game birds and you can go down the list seeing who has them. You also might try the AKC pointing breed clubs as they have field trials and hunt tests and have to buy birds for them. Another place to look is NAVADA clubs as they have to have birds to train with. Last place to look would be hunting preserves, but those birds will be pretty expensive. Good luck finding your birds.

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Re: Trouble finding training birds

Post by SwitchGrassWPG » Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:28 pm

If close to a large city, look for nuisance pigeon trappers. Some will sell what they catch pretty cheaply. Can also look at North American Gamebird Association
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Re: Trouble finding training birds

Post by Idylwyld » Thu Oct 12, 2023 1:10 pm

Try trapping pigeons yourself. 2-4 traps in decent spots ran every 24 hours thru summer months nets me plenty of pigeons.

Due to the way I train I insist on using fresh spooky pigeons and admittedly go to a bit of trouble to supply my needs.

Ive looked at keeping homers. They just do not work for me.

I consider birds "fresh" that have spent 7 days or less in my pen. I actually let some go. Cant sell them, Ive tried at 4 bucks a bird. No takers so far. They all start asking if I will deliver. I dont and wont.

You will invest time and a little money to build traps and find spots and ask permission.
Cruise around your area and scout out concentrations of pigeons in accessible places.

I am not so great with heights and am careful where I put my traps.

Example: My local Sonic hamburger joint is a good spot.

You will be surprised at how accommodating businesses with pigeon problems can be. They currently pay me 50 bucks a month to put a trap or two up. That buys my pigeon feed.

A 25 or 50 foot roll of wire and a pack of rabbit cage J clips will build more traps than you care to run. You will need a good sturdy ladder.

Then time spent each week checking, pulling birds and rebaiting traps.

Send me a private message if interested and I will send you pics of my traps and the doors I use on them. Do not bother with swinging bob doors, they work, are expensive and just do not work very well.

The pigeon trappers are a clannish bunch and tend to be very wary due to animal rights folks. They also tend to want to sell 200 birds at a time.

Ive run across a few animal rights people. I tell them I am relocating the poor little pigeons due to over crowding. Seems to satisfy them and they go bother someone else.

Bait. Use scratch feed or cracked corn, Whatever is cheapest.

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Re: Trouble finding training birds

Post by Easttngsp » Sat Oct 14, 2023 2:13 pm

That's the trouble I'm having. TWRA has no concern in helping anyone do anything that doesn't make them look good and I can't find anyone that deals in pigeons.

I have thought about just catching my own but locally Walmart and the court house are the only place with pigeons and I have asked both but everytime I do I'm told no one there can give me permission.

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