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Perfect start/finish or delmar smith video need to choose

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:17 pm
by luke0927
Well i have the George Hicox DVD and i wanted to get another one can anyone recommend either of these over one another

i saw three delmar vids

Volume I:
This DVD will take you from puppy to finished dog.
Volume II:
Retrieving the bird from start to finish.


The Perfect Start / Perfect Finish Set DVD

i was going to a new DVD/book and DT launcher system

What would you do...have you watched either of these what did you like/dislike which one has the most detail and understanding for a beginner?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:40 pm
by kninebirddog
If your starting out ..get them all watch them Pick ONE that makes the most sense to you put the rest away till you have the one method done switch will only prove to confuse you and worse your dog

I prefer more hands on

So i like to suggest the seminars themselves

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:40 pm
by Dave Quindt
I'd choose whichever method your mentor/trainer uses.

If you don't have someone who can physically help you through the training process, find one. If this person uses a system that isn't available on video, oh well.

Not sure where in Georgia you are, but I'd suggest you get in contact with our own Brenda Roe, or some other competent pro in your area who can train you to train your dog. You'll learn more in a day than by watching every dog training video out there. What's even more important is that they'll take your call(s) when you get stuck, and they'll understand your dog and what you are going through.

I understand that Delmar doesn’t train the same way now as he did when those tapes were made, and I’ve heard similar things about Hickox.

Disregard this if you know for certain that Delmar or George or Jon will take you phone call when you get stuck and need to talk things through. But I'm guessing it's not the case :wink:


Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:08 pm
by luke0927
i might try and get in touch with her....I'im about 45 minutes straight up from Atlanta....

I think i will get the perfect/start finish for now and check it out.....

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:12 pm
by 9edriver
I bought a few dvd's and then bought Perfect Start/Finish. Perfect Start/Finish are great DVD's. They walk you through each step, with a number of dogs that are learning as the video is being shot. No regrets here.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:03 am
by okiebirdhunter
For what it's worth, Delmar doesn't train at all any more. He's 81 years old and still has his health but has given training duties at the kennels over to his son Tom (and has for more than a decade). Delmar would most likely take any call regarding what is in his videos and book. I visited with him at the kennels yesterday and he is still as friendly and talkative as he has ever been.

With that being said even though things in the videos has changed.. it all still works dogs and haven't lost the genetic code that allowed the "Delmar Smith method" of the 70's and 80's work.

The only changes in the DVD is the use of the wonder lead and a modification on the whoa post. The heeling and sitting is done with the wonder lead and the whoa post is done with a half hitch around the flank instead of using a pinch collar. A few plus's to this is that good pinch collars are hard to find and also the dogs don't get as confused when you spread out the points of contact. The VHS tapes are still the same as they were in 1988.

Good trainers will always look for better ways of doing things regardless of "method" and the bird dog world won't turn upside down if you put a new twist on an old method.

John Bellah

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:31 pm
by dustertoo
The Perfect Strart and Perfect Finish DVD's are the best! I've studied mine extensively, and know others who have trained dogs through MH using these methods. Very clear instruction from pup to finished dog.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:30 pm
by Stoneface
I have never seen the Perfect Start, but I've seen Delmars video. I would recommend Delmars tape, but I trained my first dog with his method and has really only used variations of it to train all my dogs so I have a soft spot in my heart for his methods and feel I'd be biased.

I have also seen Bob Wehle's tapes and read both his books and am really a believer in what he speaks about, but most people don't pay any mind to him because he is for the most part anti-ecollar.


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:34 pm
by ezzy333
But he was anti ecollar back when they were shock collars It a whole different ball game today.
