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covid and So Cal NSTRA trials

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:04 pm
by oldbeek
California shut downs are so frustrating. First we think we can run a trial then the state and county says no. Just want to say we are still trying to schedule trials. The poor bird guys are having heck also. Raise a bunch of birds then cant sell them. Anyway, is tentatively planning dbl/dbl trials the first weekend of November and December.

Re: covid and So Cal NSTRA trials

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:16 am
by shags
Probably the same everywhere.

As of now, it's okay to have them in my state if we follow all the governor's mandates. On state grounds there might not be any facilities open. On private grounds there's the problem of who is going to sanitize facilities after each use or at least several times a day. With most of us workers being in the older at risk group, it's going to be difficult. I think most clubs here are waiting to see what other clubs do.

No idea about expected entries...could be way down because of travel and quarantine stuff, or could be plenty because everyone is going stir crazy to to get out.

Tough situation all around.