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How'd ya do 01/22/05 Weekend?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:41 pm
by grant
We had an awesome weekend!

We paired up with a tough brace mate who’s earned the name “undertaker” by some of the locals. We both went 3 for 3 with backs. YES! This was Bell’s first real back!!!!! He beat me by 8 points that brace. I stayed in second through lunch, but as the day went on, Bell and I watched us drop down to 5th place. I’m happy with that.

While we where waiting, 3 dogs got dq’d for being out of bounds too long. They needed bye dogs quick. Who stepped up? Kage! (pick me!, pick me!, pick me!) I took him, and Kage got in 4 minutes of his first NSTRA trial. =) =)

Next brace we found three, but needed about 6 birds total to win. We got REAL lucky. At the start of the brace, Bell went left. A pointer, handler, judges and I went straight. I knew a bird would be straight ahead out of the gate because I saw birds get shot there all day. By this time the pointers judge sped past me to catch the pointer. Bell started to loop back. You know how dogs haul butt at the start of the brace right? That’s what they where doing. Bell came flying though the tall grass and met paths with the judge on the 4-wheeler. She tried to jump him, but came down on the rear rack. FREAKED ME OUT. She’s not hurt, but could have been.

Oh, I forgot to wait for a backing dogs hander to hold his dog before I flushed. The bird flew into the parking lot with the pointer chasing. I called safety. Afterwards I helped him chase that pointer down in the woods. I learned my lesson. =)

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 7:03 pm
by 12 Volt Man
Sounds like a great time. Kage got some action too. Cool :D

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:45 pm
by snips
Sounds like a good day. It`s ALWAYS a good day when you can send a pointer in the woods. (haha 12 V). I took a 2nd with Logan.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 10:56 pm
by TAK
Way to go Bell and Grant!
I guess we will see you in Utah this next weekend? It's only money!

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 11:23 am
by Greg Jennings
Congrats Grant and Brenda!



Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 2:19 pm
by ward myers
well i got up at 5:30 both mornings
yesterday it was pea soup fog couldnt see 10 ft
this morning it was pouring down rain & 30 mph rains
so i stayed home :cry:


Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 2:24 pm
by ward myers
i did go for a little while yesterday afternoon after the fog burned off
was very pleased with dixies performance
it was thick terrain she choked up & stayed close never
had to go looking for her i was very happy
it was only 79 degrees outside & super humid

Re: How'd ya do 01/22/05 Weekend?

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 4:38 pm
by Greg Jennings
grant wrote: Bell came flying though the tall grass and met paths with the judge on the 4-wheeler. She tried to jump him, but came down on the rear rack. FREAKED ME OUT. She’s not hurt, but could have been.
This past summer, my V-boy was running flat out down the bank of a pond trying to intercept a blue heron on the other side. He was looking at the bird, not where he was going and ran into a tree. He bounced like 5' and tore a big strip of bark off the tree. I thought he was through as a hunting dog. I took him straight to my vet that is 1 mile away. He gave him some pred and had me keep him up for a few days. End result: It hasn't slowed him down one bit, but he's still scared of the spot where that tree jumped out and got him....

Best regards,

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:23 pm
by grant
hahahahah :D

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 8:09 pm
by birddog
Nice going Brenda and Grant !
Sometimes I wish I lived in a warmer climate so we could work and run dogs during these winter months. Saturday we were hit with 10" of the white stuff. Now it will be months before this stuff melts and we can enjoy the outdoors again without walking through knee high snow.. In the mean time, I will have to be content reading your post on how much fun you are having.