Bird Launcher drills

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Bird Launcher drills

Post by K9luke » Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:35 pm

I am completely new with bird launchers. I have allways used harnesses or locked wing birds. Now that I don't have to actually walk in on them to "flush" them for the dog, what should be done from behind the dog (should I stay behind the dog)and when should I begin to walk in and "pretend" I am attempting to flush the bird.
Any specific advice on tuning a dog up (to be steady and hold point) when using a launcher with pigeons would be greatly appreciated !

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Re: Bird Launcher drills

Post by gonehuntin' » Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:58 pm

Use the launchers exactly like a wild bird. Always have them hidden in cover so the dog can't see them, never in the open.
Once the dog points the bird, if he moves a muscle say nothing and pop the bird.
Once he's standing well, walk around the launcher and come in facing the dog. You'll have more control of him then.
Don't make a big production of finding the bird. Just walk in like it was a wild bird and flush it.
When you hear of dog's flagging from launchers it's because they aren't used correctly.
Mix it up a little. Sometimes have one launcher per spot, sometimes two or even three. Keep it exciting and realistic for the dog and you'll have no problems.

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Re: Bird Launcher drills

Post by Tall Boy » Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:17 pm

A good drill to throw in there for steadiness is to mimic a lay bird. Just make your dog stand there for a few seconds after the first bird leaves, then flush another. This teaches the dog to remain forcused instead of following the bird. Keeping the dog's focus off the bird in the air lessens the pressure need to keep him from chasing said bird. It also helps to keep the dog staunch after the bird leaves instead of losing intensity, which can happen with launchers.

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Re: Bird Launcher drills

Post by K9luke » Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:25 pm

Thank you Gonehuntin . Thats what I was looking for. Simple techniques that maximize effective training in minimal time frame.

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Re: Bird Launcher drills

Post by K9luke » Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:34 pm

Tall Boy wrote:A good drill to throw in there for steadiness is to mimic a lay bird. Just make your dog stand there for a few seconds after the first bird leaves, then flush another. This teaches the dog to remain forcused instead of following the bird. Keeping the dog's focus off the bird in the air lessens the pressure need to keep him from chasing said bird. It also helps to keep the dog staunch after the bird leaves instead of losing intensity, which can happen with launchers.
Tall Boy,
You posted this during the time I was responding to Gonehuntin's post. Also great advice. Thank you !

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