running birds, what to do and when???

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running birds, what to do and when???

Post by dottie » Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:25 pm

Hunting today ... pointing dog...birds would not fly... followed running birds for nearly 300 yards... 3 times.
first time they got away when they ran across the road, 2nd time 4 running birds ran into a " no hunting" area...3rd time after about 10 minutes of chasing I decided to rest the dog and reduce my frustration
each time dog held point untill released moved to catch up and the process began again
Could I get some suggestions on a plan of action specifically how to handle a new/ learning dog... with limited birds shot over biggest concern is not messing up a good dog.

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Re: running birds, what to do and when???

Post by ruffbritt4 » Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:29 pm

I just continue to follow, as long as we are still on the land we are allowed to hunt. They will eventually pin the birds, it might take practice and they will mess up but they learn from it.

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Re: running birds, what to do and when???

Post by Vman » Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:10 am

It actually sounds like your dog is doing pretty well. Running birds are a hard case for some dogs until they learn to figure it out. But with that being said, be sure that YOU are not pushing the birds away from the dog. If you are walking up from behind the dog it is very likely that you are pushing the birds. Instead, when the dog goes on point, arc around to the front and try and put the bird between you and the dog. Be ready to shoot any time you are trying to get in position, as there are no rules for the bird. But if you do this, it will certainly help the situation. Also when you flush, move in hard, do not "bleep" foot around, put the pressure on the bird, do not give it a chance to find an exit. Good luck.

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Re: running birds, what to do and when???

Post by Neil » Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:14 am

I have found the quieter you are and the faster and harder the dog hits the birds the more likely the birds are to hold. The cautious point and creep often leads to what you describe. Note I said more likely to hold, some will run, others will flush out of range, still others just disappear, and the dog will flush some even if experienced. But I play the odds.

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Re: running birds, what to do and when???

Post by slistoe » Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:40 am

Pretty tough to teach a dog to hit them hard and fast to stick 'em - some learn it, most never do (more would if it wasn't for their owners IMO).
So the next best ....Don't go to the dog. Circle wide, fast and quiet - a couple hundred yards in front of the dog if you need to. Then move in to the dog. Encourage the dog to follow up the birds on his own without you having to go to him to release. With any luck you will get some of the birds trapped before they clear out of the country on you.

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Re: running birds, what to do and when???

Post by jfwhit » Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:05 am

Last season was my dogs first. He was chasing coveys very efficiently by the end. He would lock on point and by the time I got there, he would relocate. It was fun to watch. His intensity and determination was awesome. It was controlled though. He never bumped the birds. You have to read the dog. He got smarter and smarter. Some birds escaped. Some flushed early, some he won. Whole coveys would move. I would get in front if I could. That obviously worked best. We were a team. I also had to learn to trust him. Early in the season, I would think he was mousing around and force him to move along.

One event sticks out as a turning point for me trusting him. We were hunting through a grassy valley. He pointed near the top of the ridge several yards away. My buddy and I got up to him and he relocated moving along the top, then a 90 deg turn down into the valley. Working very intensely. He went up the other side, then circled back behind us. I gave up on him and started trying to get him to get back in front of us so we could move forward. He ignored me kept this up. He eventually locked up at the bottom of the valley. We walked into a huge covey. Got a bird apeice. After replaying his actions, he was corralling the covey by circling around them until they held.

He was trained by a professional for three months. I had to learn how to read him. I got better as he got better.

He is with his trainer now on a wild bird excursion for the month of October. I'm REALLY looking forward to this season.

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Re: running birds, what to do and when???

Post by Sharon » Fri Oct 16, 2015 5:52 pm

ruffbritt4 wrote:I just continue to follow, as long as we are still on the land we are allowed to hunt. They will eventually pin the birds, it might take practice and they will mess up but they learn from it.
Very true. When I see threads about handling running birds, I immediately think of Shadow Oak Bo's amazing performance with running birds in the Championship. Worth the price of the video just to see that dog handle running birds.
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Re: running birds, what to do and when???

Post by whatsnext » Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:54 am

I agree with Neil a hard running dog will usually get some birds to sit, granted some will run and flush but its the better of two evil's.

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Re: running birds, what to do and when???

Post by Runningdog » Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:01 am

That's hunting some days they play fair other days not... :D
If your hunting by yourself follow the dog, if you have a partner look for the most likely route to safety and have a blocker goodluck that's why he is the KING of the uplands!

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