Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

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Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by Jasonhomey » Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:32 pm

We are training our 4 month old puppy and I wanted to know if anyone had experience with using an ecollar on their brittany. First off, we are not training the dog to hunt at all. We just want her to behave properly around the house. She does a lot of things that I am aware of are "puppy" things. She bites and nips but a little beyond what is normal for a puppy, she jumps up on the counters, she likes to bite and chew things, she loves to dig in the back yard, things of that nature.

We have heard all about how Brittany puppies are very sensitive and you don't have to have a heavy hand with them. That doesn't seem to be the case with our dog. She has a very dominant personality and we have tried many different things. When she would bite, I would clamp her jaw shut and tell her not to bite. We have tried the water bottle and spraying her, ect. All these things became a game for her. We have decided to use an ecollar and I was wondering if anyone else has used them on a brittany before and what their experience was. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by ezzy333 » Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:06 pm

Your 4 month old pup is on a par with a 2 year old child. and I find few of them that age that are brain surgeons or even in school. There is an old theory that has proven to be quite accurate and that is every thing needs time to grow up. I will guess that severe correction at the age of your pup will end up with a badly damaged dog. The problem is that it takes time for the brain to develop and there is nothing you can do to hurry it along. So since you can't wave the magic wand and make your pup a well behaved adult, most of us has found that mild consistent training combined with a lot of light or non- resistant type exercise is your friend since the pup will behave almost perfectly when it is asleep and that is a product of exercise.

Brittanys can handle proper use of a e-collar just like every other breed of dog, but more importantly they will not handle indiscriminate use any better than other breeds and any use of the collar to correct a pup before it know right from wrong will work just like someone whipping you everyday without telling you why. Think about it, you are asking a pup that has only been alive for 12 weeks to know and understand what you think its preferred behavior as an adult should be. That just doesn't happen because it can't, we all take time to grow mentally as well as physically and then we have to learn everything there is to know about this big wonderful world that we have never seen or experienced before,

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by Dakotazeb » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:25 pm

At 4 months you pup is too young to start using an e-collar. Looks like you have some obedience training to work on. Remember, an e-collar is to re-enforce what the dog already knows. Not a quick method to correct improper behavior. If you are new to dog training try reading some books on the subject, watching DVD's on dog training or enlisting the assistance of a professional trainer.

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by NEhomer » Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:03 am

I always heard that Brittanys are sensitive too but you couldn't prove it by me. I had two of them that were as hard-headed and impervious to correction as a dog can get. My current setter is much more biddable and easy going than both of my Britts.
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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by shags » Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:12 am

your puppy, like every other puppy on the planet, needs to learn to respect you and your house rules. You need to figure out a way to instill respect before you start using an ecollar. Ecollars can be a great tools but in the hands of an inexperienced, frustrated trainer, they can wreak havoc. Odds of electrifying good manners into your puppy are not good. She's too young and doesn't know the basics yet. And frankly, it sounds like you don't know how to teach them, either.

Brittanies are no more 'sensitive' than any other breed. IMO that notion does a huge disservice, because new owners tend to be too soft and let their puppies get away with too much; you see for yourself the results lack of fair discipline.

There are some good resources for puppy training that you might investigate before you get invest in an ecollar. Rick and Ronnie Smith are bird dog trainers who have a good puppy program that leans more toward manners than gun dog training. You might look into their Silent Command system DVD. The Monks of New Skeet have a puppy training system; they have a great book (IDK about a video). Cesar Millan also has many books and DVDs, and you can check them out on his website. You can run a search on this site for various puppy problems, many questions like yours have been asked and answered here.

Best of luck to you and your pup. Most of us have been where you are at some point.

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by BigTub » Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:26 am

I use e-collars on mine but they were much older to start. I have a tone that worked well on my older dog till he went completely deaf this yr -- never need stimulation till this yr. The younger dog needs a reminder every once in a while as he is pretty intense, like in chasing rabbits and deer/antelope. I agree the Britts are pretty sensitive but that is their willingness to please. 4 months is too young and you need the yard work down first.

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by RickB » Tue Apr 05, 2016 2:51 pm

I've never needed an e-collar for a dog in the house. The e-collar is good for correction at a distance. Pup in the house can be corrected with cheaper/non-electronic means. A spray bottle set to "stream" and spray the dog in the face when he is misbehaving is a lot cheaper and is age appropriate for a 4 month old.

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by marysburg » Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:19 am

Congratulations on your new pup. Shags, and others, have given great advice already. It sounds like you have a normal 4 month old pup who is ready to start obedience classes with her handler. It would be helpful to get some hands on advice at class, and your dog will love the outing. Basic good manners and obedience in the house don't require an ecollar; and although ecollars are very useful for cueing a dog at a distance, you will need to get some training for yourself before you start pressing buttons. Clicker based training can be fun with pups, you could look up George Hickox DVDs or online. Try increasing her exercise daily; a tired puppy is a good puppy. And remember to have fun with your pup!

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by chwagn11 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:25 am

4 Months imo is too young for any breed, I use the ecollar for to add pressure at the correct time, not for a correction or to stop bad behavior. When you are in the field and use an ecollar it is not to scold the dog. The dog needs to know everything you want before you ever make corrections with an ecollar, that would be unfair to the dog and would result in poor results of using and ecollar for pressure in the future. There is no substitute for light everyday obedience training and exercise.

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by Dakotazeb » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:00 am

marysburg wrote:Congratulations on your new pup. Shags, and others, have given great advice already. It sounds like you have a normal 4 month old pup who is ready to start obedience classes with her handler. It would be helpful to get some hands on advice at class, and your dog will love the outing. Basic good manners and obedience in the house don't require an ecollar; and although ecollars are very useful for cueing a dog at a distance, you will need to get some training for yourself before you start pressing buttons. Clicker based training can be fun with pups, you could look up George Hickox DVDs or online. Try increasing her exercise daily; a tired puppy is a good puppy. And remember to have fun with your pup!
Since your Brittany is going to be a house dog/pet and not a hunting dog you really don't need an e-collar. Marysburg gave you some good advice that I will second. Find a dog obedience class in your area and get signed up. If you are new to dog training an obedience class will teach YOU how to train your dog to be a good pet and house dog.

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by Sharon » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:42 am

RickB wrote:I've never needed an e-collar for a dog in the house. The e-collar is good for correction at a distance. Pup in the house can be corrected with cheaper/non-electronic means. A spray bottle set to "stream" and spray the dog in the face when he is misbehaving is a lot cheaper and is age appropriate for a 4 month old.
Exactly. If you can get your hands on a dog , an e collar is not needed.

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by Trekmoor » Wed Apr 06, 2016 1:19 pm

This is why the e-collar has such a bad name in Britain. It is thought of here as the lazy man's training tool or even as the cruel man's training tool. I agree with all the other posts. Train the puppy without using the collar and only when the pup knows what is required consider adding the e-collar ..........if you have to.

I have owned and trained just 3 brittanies . They were/are all house pets and working gundogs and an e-collar was not needed for any of them.

Bill T.

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Re: Anyone used an Ecollar with a Brittany

Post by gonehuntin' » Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:52 pm

Never trained a Brit without one. Training is the same as with any other dog, you just vary the amount of pressure.

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