feeding pigeons

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feeding pigeons

Post by cjhills » Mon Nov 27, 2017 12:45 pm

Iam just wondering what people on here feed their pigeons and how much. I tried turkey pellets recently. In liked the idea because they get what they need and Idon't need to feed salt or grit. They drink a lot of water and have really runny stool. Plus they seem to crave corn in the cold weather.
Trying a mix of 50# of corn, 50# of game bird pellets That are 15% protein, 30# of sunflower seed and 25# of wild mix that does not have Cracked corn. Also A little Safflower seeds
in the morning. They really like them. I have not figure out the amount per bird yet.
To soon to tell if this will eliminate the runny stool, but the really like this mix..................Cj

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by Mountaineer » Mon Nov 27, 2017 1:01 pm

Chicken layer pellets or the like.....I don’t worry about the amount of feed/bird...water is good....they do fine and dandy as they are, essentially, used to living under bridges.
No doubt tho they would like an owner who treats.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by isonychia » Mon Nov 27, 2017 2:16 pm

I mix my own, but since I can no longer get field peas I haven't had as successful clutches. Popcorn is the best corn but I can't get it. I am trying cracked corn for the first time as I have heard many people get away with it and not get canker. I mix in safflower, sunflower, wheat and corn as a base. Add peas if I can get them.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by gonehuntin' » Mon Nov 27, 2017 2:58 pm

I buy wild bird seed at Tractor Supply. $6.99 for 50#. I buy the cheapest stuff I can get. They eat it just fine. Pigeons ain't fussy. CAUTION: Pigeons are filthy. If you let them, they'll take what they like and scatter the rest in the pen. I don't feed them again until they've cleaned up what they don't like too.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by ezzy333 » Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:29 pm

They are very easy to feed. Any good pellet will work but the droppings will be sticky. a mixture of grains will work but stay away from cracked corn and use just plain shelled corn, or pellets and grain is good. A pigeon needs a heaping tablespoon a day but remember to count babies when you are figuring how many you are feeding. The birds love safflower but barley and pellets will be the last thing they will clean up. If they are leaving anything cut them back a little, The feeder should be empty within an hour or so. You can feed once or twice a day but be sure to have water available to them when they eat. very important when they are feeding babies.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by wolski » Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:39 pm

I dont see much need to be fussy. What do these birds eat in the wild?? Corn sorguhm corn and more corn. Where do they get their water in winter when everything is frozen? I doubt they get any water. Life is hard and they do just fine. As a kid growing up in wisconsin on our farm there did not seem to be a decrease in the pigeon population over the winter and we had some harsh, cold winters - much colder and snowier than what we have nowadays. Not saying we dont need to take good care of our investment, yes give them fresh water and good feed no need to be too fussy. More important is they have some room to flap their wings and move about.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by cjhills » Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:34 pm

The reason I asked is because I lost about 40 birds from moldy cracked corn in Kaytee bird food. I want to go with game bird pellets. So far they eat them good but the droppings are very watery and they drink a lot of water. Unless that clears up I can not imagine the nests when they have babies. One breeder I know said to mix in sunflower seeds to dry that up and they like corn in the cold weather. I am doing that now hopefully it works. Pellets would be great except for the Watery droppings. Every thing they need at about $12 for 50#............Cj

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by SwitchGrassWPG » Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:17 pm

I feed scratch grain year-round. I keep around 200 pigeons and a few quail, chukar and pheasants in the same coop. They go through about 80 lbs of food a week...two feeders filled once a week.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by isonychia » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:48 pm

Your corn wasn't moldy because it was cracked, it was moldy because it was wet and cracked. the natural coating on a lot of seeds will keep them from molding to some degree by keeping the germ and endosperm isolated. I put black sunflower in a plastic container and it molded on me.... in COLORADO! Anymore I store my grain in a utility trailer in bags, mix it into a metal garbage tin with a lid on it, grain needs to breath, the metal garbage tin isn't water tight. it is the condensation that causes issues, not a lack of sealed container.

Let it breath and maybe stay away from cracked grains during the wet season.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by oldbeek » Tue Nov 28, 2017 9:22 pm

an old Scotts man in 1952 raised 100s of pigeons. He fed 50/50 milo and wheat. I remember .06 per pound. I do the same. Occasionally mix in pigeon food for a treat.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by cjhills » Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:06 am

isonychia wrote:Your corn wasn't moldy because it was cracked, it was moldy because it was wet and cracked. the natural coating on a lot of seeds will keep them from molding to some degree by keeping the germ and endosperm isolated. I put black sunflower in a plastic container and it molded on me.... in COLORADO! Anymore I store my grain in a utility trailer in bags, mix it into a metal garbage tin with a lid on it, grain needs to breath, the metal garbage tin isn't water tight. it is the condensation that causes issues, not a lack of sealed container.

Let it breath and maybe stay away from cracked grains during the wet season.
The thing is, why it got moldy is irrevelant. My birds are dead from moldy cracked corn. It was recently purchased from the feed store. Whole corn is much more resistant to moisture and birds eat it better. Wild birds at my feeder leave the cracked corn and it causes mold in the feeder.
I always look for a better way and pellets look good accept for the watery stool issue. My hope was somebody who has experience with them would post.
I am hoping that the watery stool issue will improve when the birds get accustomed to the pellets and I get the mix right.
To the people feeding cracked corn be aware that it may bite you some day. There is also less waste and dust.
Thanks for your input.....................Cj

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by isonychia » Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:08 pm

Typically cracked corn is linked to canker and not necessarily death. 50 birds is a lot, more so than I would think could be attributed to canker, and honestly I would even question the mold as the culprit. If the food is able to get moldy than there is enough moisture for a lot of other diseases to be vectored. I would completely disinfect the loft with bleach, use a triple treatment for canker coccidiosis and worms, then make sure to use something like sweet pdz (granules better than powder) you can get it or something like it at tractor supply.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by RayGubernat » Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:23 pm

When I get feral pigeons I feed them chicken layer pellets, same as what I feed my quail. I get it from Tractor Supply.

I have had ferals for several months, re-using them by hobbling them to a 20'or so cord with a 12 oz. bank sinker(or an old horseshoe) on the end. They do fine on the chicken layer feed. They will eat, and eat until there is no more, but if they are without food for a day or two, that does not seem to bother them.


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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by gonehuntin' » Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:04 pm

I would very seriously mold is the culprit. No one is less fussy about taking care of birds than me. I just buy the cheapest stuff Tractor Supply has and feed that. I have never had a bird die from moldy food. I make them clean it up off the ground before I refill the feeders. They may eat wet food that's been on the ground a week or more. I think you have some type of a viral or disease problem.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by cjhills » Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:57 pm

gonehuntin' wrote:I would very seriously mold is the culprit. No one is less fussy about taking care of birds than me. I just buy the cheapest stuff Tractor Supply has and feed that. I have never had a bird die from moldy food. I make them clean it up off the ground before I refill the feeders. They may eat wet food that's been on the ground a week or more. I think you have some type of a viral or disease problem.
Well, sorry. My vet and the U of M vets disagree with you. But what do they know.
We always feed nonmedicated game bird breeder to our birds rather than chicken layer.
I smoked three packs of cigarettes a day for 20 years and I don't have lung cancer. I do not recommend that for everybody ............Cj
Last edited by cjhills on Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by cjhills » Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:15 pm

isonychia wrote:Typically cracked corn is linked to canker and not necessarily death. 50 birds is a lot, more so than I would think could be attributed to canker, and honestly I would even question the mold as the culprit. If the food is able to get moldy than there is enough moisture for a lot of other diseases to be vectored. I would completely disinfect the loft with bleach, use a triple treatment for canker coccidiosis and worms, then make sure to use something like sweet pdz (granules better than powder) you can get it or something like it at tractor supply.
they did not have Canker they died from mold poisoning.The food was not stored in the loft. So there was not a connection between the loft and the mold and changing from the cracked corn stopped it
MNDNR says mold in bird feeders is killing birds and recommends bleaching the feeders ...Cj

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by Mountaineer » Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:28 pm

I seem to recall that aflatoxins, i.e. moldy corn in deer feeders, was considered a cause for bobwhite quail mortality.....the same probably happens with pigeons.
Just can’t blame the deer hunters....this time.

Ban deer feeders...we have enough nest predators as it is.(trying to fit that into a bumper sticker)

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by gonehuntin' » Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:13 pm

cjhills wrote:
gonehuntin' wrote:I would very seriously mold is the culprit. No one is less fussy about taking care of birds than me. I just buy the cheapest stuff Tractor Supply has and feed that. I have never had a bird die from moldy food. I make them clean it up off the ground before I refill the feeders. They may eat wet food that's been on the ground a week or more. I think you have some type of a viral or disease problem.
Well, sorry. My vet and the U of M vets disagree with you. But what do they know.
We always feed nonmedicated game bird breeder to our birds rather than chicken layer.
I smoked three packs of cigarettes a day for 20 years and I don't have lung cancer. I do not recommend that for everybody ............Cj
Might have been nice if you'd have mentioned that little tid bit first.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by oldbeek » Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:10 pm

I bought a pigeon food that contained cracked corn.The birds would eat every thing before the cracked corn. I do not buy the tube with cracked corn again. I would mix in reclaimed milo before corn.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by RayGubernat » Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:02 pm

gonehuntin' wrote:
cjhills wrote:
gonehuntin' wrote:I would very seriously mold is the culprit. No one is less fussy about taking care of birds than me. I just buy the cheapest stuff Tractor Supply has and feed that. I have never had a bird die from moldy food. I make them clean it up off the ground before I refill the feeders. They may eat wet food that's been on the ground a week or more. I think you have some type of a viral or disease problem.
Well, sorry. My vet and the U of M vets disagree with you. But what do they know.
We always feed nonmedicated game bird breeder to our birds rather than chicken layer.
I smoked three packs of cigarettes a day for 20 years and I don't have lung cancer. I do not recommend that for everybody ............Cj
Might have been nice if you'd have mentioned that little tid bit first.

Gonehuntin' -
BTW,I smoked 2-3 packs a day for about the same length of time and spent the first five years of my career up to my elbows in chloroform, carbon tet, benzene, and a bunch of other stuff that ain't real good for you. Blew up like a balloon from my second contact with chloromethyl naphthalene. "bleep" near died actually. Nasty stuff.

I ain't dead yet either, but I have to agree that, at least the smoking part... was not one of my wiser life choices.


edited by Sharon

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by gonehuntin' » Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:20 pm

I'm with you. I was a smoker 30 years ago and the Doctors say they can still see the influence on my body. Stupid. Worst thing is, every time I look at one of my pipes which I have never thrown out, I still have a small urge. I still like sticking a smelly, bitter, ole pipe in my mouth and walking around with it.

Stupid young morons now (my son included) with all the info out on smoking and they still do it. Grrrrr.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by Urban_Redneck » Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:46 pm

My birds eat 65/35 Purgrain "Legend" and cheap birdseed. I feed and water 2x a day, 30 birds leave the coop after breakfast and don't return until 4:15, so they may feeding elsewhere too :D

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by DonF » Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:22 am

I used to feed a pigeon blend of food from a local co-op, $18 a bag, to my homer's. At the same time I was feeding my feral's plain chicken scratch, did it that way for years with the feral's and they did well. After a couple years I tried switching the homer's to scratch, $9 per 50#. None have died. I've never fed cracked corn mostly because I never have! I also have never had feed get moldy. But then I generally keep on bag on hand unopened and use it when one loft is out. go to town and get three new bags, two for pigeons and one for the chicken's about twice a month. I live in a fairly dry climate now, may have something to do with it but, on the west side of the Cascades, I kept only feral's. Pretty wet over there but still never had a problem with mold! How much feed do you keep on hand and what kind of weather do you have? I had a die off in my feral pen one time. Problem was water. Hit a real hot spell and should have checked water twice a day at least. The heat got them. Only happened that one time but seeing pigeons laying all over in the pen is sobering!
I've never had moldy feed but if I found it, I would not feed it!

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by cjhills » Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:57 am

DonF wrote:I used to feed a pigeon blend of food from a local co-op, $18 a bag, to my homer's. At the same time I was feeding my feral's plain chicken scratch, did it that way for years with the feral's and they did well. After a couple years I tried switching the homer's to scratch, $9 per 50#. None have died. I've never fed cracked corn mostly because I never have! I also have never had feed get moldy. But then I generally keep on bag on hand unopened and use it when one loft is out. go to town and get three new bags, two for pigeons and one for the chicken's about twice a month. I live in a fairly dry climate now, may have something to do with it but, on the west side of the Cascades, I kept only feral's. Pretty wet over there but still never had a problem with mold! How much feed do you keep on hand and what kind of weather do you have? I had a die off in my feral pen one time. Problem was water. Hit a real hot spell and should have checked water twice a day at least. The heat got them. Only happened that one time but seeing pigeons laying all over in the pen is sobering!
I've never had moldy feed but if I found it, I would not feed it!
I would also not feed moldy feed if I knew it was moldy. I could not see the mold or smell the mold, But the tests said mold. When I changed food the few pigeons I had left survived and are doing well has are the twenty young homers I bought to restock my loft. I did clean and bleach my lofts. There was also wheat, small seeds and sunflower seeds in the mix. Only the corn had mold. We did have an unusually wet summer which may have been a factor
My point about smoking was that I smoked for half of my life and never had a issue. That does not make it safe. I was extremely lucky. The same goes for cracked corn. Just because most pigeons don't die does not make it safe. I also do not like scratch feed because it is mostly cracked corn, most have oats which birds do not eat and all are very dusty. I have to dump a lot
of garbage out of the feeder. I do not see why anyone would pay extra for cracked corn when the birds do better on whole corn and it is safer. I have fed thousands of pheasants chukars and pigeons on it. Whole corn is $3.08 a bushel. About $3.00 for 50#
I do like the pellets they are cheap complete and no waste. This is what my OP was about, but we know how that goes..........Cj

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by marysburg » Sat Dec 02, 2017 8:55 pm

I feed my pigeons medicated chick starter in the spring, summer and fall when they are still nesting. When it gets really cold, I switch to unmedicated chicken layer ration, as there are no more babies in the loft. Ionophore medication (rumensin or deccox) is present in the starter ration to control coccidiosis which causes runny stools in birds (and mammals) after a 3 week incubation period, and is endemic in pigeons. Hope you can adjust your rations to where you and your birds are both happy. Oh yeah, I also feed a handful of peanuts (no shells) every day, just to train the birds to come in when I call. I got that idea from an old racing pigeon fellow who graciously sold me my starter birds many years ago. Good luck with your birds.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by isonychia » Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:41 pm

marysburg wrote:I feed my pigeons medicated chick starter in the spring, summer and fall when they are still nesting. When it gets really cold, I switch to unmedicated chicken layer ration, as there are no more babies in the loft. Ionophore medication (rumensin or deccox) is present in the starter ration to control coccidiosis which causes runny stools in birds (and mammals) after a 3 week incubation period, and is endemic in pigeons. Hope you can adjust your rations to where you and your birds are both happy. Oh yeah, I also feed a handful of peanuts (no shells) every day, just to train the birds to come in when I call. I got that idea from an old racing pigeon fellow who graciously sold me my starter birds many years ago. Good luck with your birds.
I just had a clutch hatch about 10 days ago! One year I had a chick born on the solstice. Pretty amazing it survived through sub zero mornings.

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Re: feeding pigeons

Post by polmaise » Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:38 pm

I have had pigeons on and off for almost 50 years . They don't eat mouldy corn!
Loose stools are loose stools and "bleep" happens ,first thing everyone looks at is what they put in rather than what the bird is taking .
Yea , hoorah ' to the re-call ,but that ain't what makes them like any ones preference of food. Hunger more likely will get a bird eating what ever is available and the drier the food the drier the stool. !..Oh..and btw ,curiously ..the water quality available also plays a part. :wink:

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