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Post by cjhills » Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:34 pm

Will Coronavirus shutdown the hunt test season. Especially for us old dudes?
I answered my own question it will for me.....Cj

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Post by Featherfinder » Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:08 pm

I sincerely hope that is not the case for you CJ or any of us. That said, it is what it is.
I have my faith in the Big Guy. He will make the call regarding not only Covid-19. I humbly accept His decisions.
I had surgery in 2004 (I was 1 week from 50). Every day after that, is a blessing.

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Post by deseeker » Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:23 pm

The IA Brittany Club HT has been called off due to the IA goveners No gathering of more than 10 people rule. So the club has called off this Spring's hunt test and are planning for their normal Fall test.

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Post by shags » Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:31 am

Yesterday I got an email from a club begging for entries for their hunt test this weekend.

My state's DNR has cancelled all trials on state grounds, and the coverdog site lists a bunch of other cancelled trials.

Better safe than sorry, especially considering the age bracket of many of the folks attending.

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Post by cjhills » Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:44 am

Featherfinder wrote:
Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:08 pm
I sincerely hope that is not the case for you CJ or any of us. That said, it is what it is.
I have my faith in the Big Guy. He will make the call regarding not only Covid-19. I humbly accept His decisions.
I had surgery in 2004 (I was 1 week from 50). Every day after that, is a blessing.

Pretty sure it will be the case for all of us.
As you can see from DeSeeker's post it very likely is the case.
In about a month the HT season in Mn. will be in full swing. I can not believe, judging from the events so far things will be a lot better. I think most clubs will cancel there tests. It is here, It is not suddenly going away and it is not under control. It just makes good sense not to attend large gatherings...….Cj

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Post by mnaj_springer » Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:57 am

It's going to go state by state I'm sure.
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Post by Steve007 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:07 pm

I don't have a dog ready for hunting tests at this time -- though I certainly have had at MH and will again. So I suppose it may be said that I don't have a, ahem, dog in this hunt. :oops: Nevertheless, I sure as heck would be there if I did. Can't imagine any activity less likely to spread germs for a number of reasons than bird hunting or hunt tests. Of course if HT are canceled, then they are.

It is worth contrasting the hard numbers of the 30,000 people that died last year from the common flu or the 370,000 hospital admittances from the common flu with this transitory hysteria. The horse is out of the barn (to use another old metaphor), and there's no going back on shutting down the economy. But suffice to say that risk of Chinese flu comparisons between less-than-ideal countries and the United States are simply false, and that some cost/benefit analysis should have been done before drastically injuring our economic well-being.

Sorry for being rational and -- unintended-- semi-political.

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Post by cjhills » Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:46 pm

This will be my only response because I really wanted to know if tests were being canceled. Not a political thing
Jan. 23 the first case of COVID19 in the U.S. was in Calif. Pres. said no big deal we got this. No problem. We are doing a fantastic job. Everbody who needs a test can get a test.
A ban travel from China in mid Feb good move but late. Ban travel from Europe last week lateagain
Last Thursday 1300 33 dead. president said it is under relax we got this under control Stock market set record highs. Testing is going smoothly.
Today 9212cases 118 dead, it is in every state. At this rate we could beat twenty thousand by the week end. Still no tests in most states. MN. tested 1900 and is running out of tests. I am restricted to my home because of my age and live in a very sparsely populated area where you cannot get toilet paper. The death rate for this is ten times higher than the flu. The hospitals are already getting stressed. They are running out of everything. How is it that the supposedly best economy in the world cannot even have testing, mask or ventilators.
So do not tell me about how many people die from the flu. this is much worse than the flu
We do not have to wonder what doing nothing will do we know that......Cj

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Post by mask » Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:52 pm

Glad to see this is not getting political. :lol: pointing fingers is no help although hindsight must be :roll:

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Post by NEhomer » Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:31 am

The entire world is not on shut down because of a media hoax.

Deniers continue to be part of the problem.

Be safe everyone.

....well there is one group that's getting a terrific windfall from this. Think of all the thousands of doggies that have their humans home with them each day!

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Post by shags » Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:43 am

I'm the Queen of What-if and have perfected the art of whipping myself up :D but it helps to remember that we have 327.2 million people who haven't died of of this thing. And there are worse things in life than missing a few dog events.

My parents' generation was called to fight a world war, and many of my contemporaries fought in Viet Nam. Sticking around the house isn't much of a sacrifice by comparison.

Stay safe, all!

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Post by Featherfinder » Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:35 am

Well said Shags.
I agree 100% with CJ. Italy took a casual approach to C-19. The count today is 3000 dead…and counting! Some see 3000 simply as a number. If it's just ONE person in your family, suddenly it's much more than a number!
Physical-distancing is REQUIRED - not social-distancing. If it is was "social" distancing as they call it, I guess we'd all be at risk via telephones, televisions, e-mails, heck...even this forum! 8)
It is in our best interests to minimize the contamination. Yes, I believe this will pass but before we compare this to our historical past, we need to remember what Kenny Rogers said, "Don't count your money while you're sittin' at the table." As much as this will pass, the casualties are yet to come.
Here are a couple cursory thoughts in my mind:
- Most kids today have a phone practically surgically implanted to them......but schools are closed. ??????
Why can't we put those "bleep" "SMART" phones to work for something positive? What is more essential than their education? Oh...but wait...what will some teachers say? (To heck with the kids!!!)
- People are still going into grocery stores to buy their groceries. ????
If I owned a grocery store, I would lock all the doors accept the loading docks perhaps. When customers come to the doors, they could read my sign, " In these times of duress, allow us to ensure we provide elevated service while ensuring your needs are best met. Call the number below or text and we will collect your items, package them and make them available at a mutually agreeable time. They can be picked up outside here at doors numbered 1,2 3, or 4. We accept all debit/credit cards or you can pay in advance of your order being prepared via the lock boxes. Thank you for your support. Together, we WILL beat this." THIS SHOULD BE LAW!
I am considered a higher risk because of my age. And yet, I am careful but not paranoid. We have grandchildren we haven't seen for weeks simply because they mean SO much to us that I will not even remotely compromise them in ANY way. They might still contract it BUT it won't be from us!
What little I had when I retired was mandated by this government to be secured into RRSPs "to protect me from myself". I'm guessing I no longer have a retirement savings. Sorry....I'm not going to get sick over this - pun intended.
There is a bigger picture here. In God I trust. God gave me us a brain. Let's be smart about this.
I am not overly concerned what-so-ever. What does concern me is the casual uninformed approach that will put us ALL at risk or in the least, inflate the impact. Let's just use common sense so we can right this ship, sooner rather than later. This way, we might still be able to pursue our fall passions. :wink:
A casual approach may compromise this too! If that happens...I'll need meds! :lol:
Last edited by Featherfinder on Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:50 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by averageguy » Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:47 am

Suddenly everyone is an arm chair quarterback, a disease expert, a testing and supply chain expert. None of which has any benefit to anyone and rather just spreads panic, distrust, mis-information leading to bad behavior ...

Perspective is lacking all around. Here are some pertinent facts around Italy's situation. ... italy-says

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Post by NEhomer » Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:49 am

Featherfinder wrote:
Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:35 am
Well said Shags.
I agree 100% with CJ. Italy took a casual approach to C-19. The count today is 3000 dead…and counting! Some see 3000 simply as a number. If it's just ONE person in your family, suddenly it's much more than a number!
Physical-distancing is REQUIRED - not social-distancing. If it is was "social" distancing as they call it, I guess we'd all be at risk via telephones, televisions, e-mails, heck...even this forum! 8)
It is in our best interests to minimize the contamination. Yes, I believe this will pass but before we compare this to our historical past, we need to remember what Kenny Rogers said, "Don't count your money while you're sittin' at the table." As much as this will pass, the casualties are yet to come.
Here are a couple cursory thoughts in my mind. Most kids today have a phone practically surgically implanted to them......but schools are closed. ??????
Why can't we put those "bleep" "SMART" phones to work for something positive? What is more essential than their education? Oh...but wait...what will some teachers say? (To heck with the kids!!!)
People are still going into grocery stores to buy their groceries. ????
If I owned a grocery store, I would lock all the doors accept the loading docks perhaps. When customers come to the doors, they could read my sign, " In these times of duress, allow us to ensure we provide elevated service while ensuring your needs are best met. Call the number below or text and we will collect your items, package them and make them available at a mutually agreeable time. They can be picked up outside here at doors numbered 1,2 3, or 4. We accept all debit/credit cards or you can pay in advance of your order being prepared via the lock boxes. Thank you for your support. Together, we WILL beat this." THIS SHOULD BE LAW!
I am considered a higher risk because of my age. And yet, I am careful but not paranoid. We have grandchildren we haven't seen for weeks simply because they mean SO much to us that I will not even remotely compromise them in ANY way. So be it.
What little I had when I retired was mandated by this government to be secured into RRSPs "to protect me from myself". I'm guessing I no longer have a retirement savings. Sorry....I'm not going to get sick over this - pun intended.
There is a bigger picture here. In God I trust. God gave me us a brain. Let's be smart about this.
I am not overly concerned what-so-ever. What does concern me is the casual uninformed approach that will put us ALL at risk or in the least, inflate the impact. Let's just use common sense so we can right this ship, sooner rather than later. This way, we might still be able to pursue our fall passions. :wink:
A casual approach may compromise this too! If that happens...I'll need meds! :lol:
It's not necessary or helpful to crap on teachers. We're heartbroken that our schools have closed. I miss my kids terribly and I'm doing my best to stay in touch with them and teach remotely....a "bleep" impossible job and yes, many of those kids are accessing google classroom on their phones if that makes my profession any more palatable for you.

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Post by Featherfinder » Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:52 am

I said "Some". So, why aren't we using a viable tool such as e-learning?
It is not my intention to crap on anyone.
Averageguy, you're missing the point. They may have had previous illnesses. They may have had weakened immune systems. They may have been aged.
What you cannot dispute is that they were ALIVE and are now DEAD.
I have always been a "glass 1/2 full guy", and continue to be. Honestly, I'm not missing 1 second of sleep. But, the casual approach will assuredly bite us in the asterisk.
Last edited by Featherfinder on Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by NEhomer » Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:00 am

Things changed so rapidly last week that we went from a two week shut-down and plans of using snow days and making up the two weeks to a complete shut down AFTER dismissing the students for a two week closing. Now we're trying to formulate and implement a viable plan by remote means to hundreds of families with varying degrees of technological accessibility. We have special education plans to try to accommodate and free lunches that are now being set up for delivery. EVERYONE is in a bind on this whole issue.

If it's not your intention to crap on anyone then you might choose your words a little more carefully. I wish you and your family the best of health and good luck through this~

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Post by Featherfinder » Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:42 am

THAT'S what I'm talking about NEHomer - which we need to do here but are not! Perhaps we will....later. ?? That's the right approach as I see it. Doing nothing, going out into public places, birthday parties, funeral homes, gyms, etc. etc. etc. WILL increase risk.....period. Let's not try to shut the gate AFTER the cows get out. No doom and gloom :roll: - just common sense.
Again, no malice intended. No single teacher decides the direction of the state/country. We need strong leadership at the top to take the right action NOW, not after people are infected. I'm simply suggesting that the technology that has permeated our world to the extent of being - in my old school opinion, almost invasive - be put to practical use.
Let's take the precautionary steps NOW to git 'er done!
Gosh, if I can't go bird hunting this fall, I'm going to be a mess!! :P

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Post by shags » Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:04 am

Back in the day when kids had to stay home from school for whatever reason, teachers would send home textbooks, workbooks, and worksheets so the kid wouldn't fall behind. Low tech but available to everyone. I remember my kids scrambling to complete the week's work quickly so they could watch cartoons at leisure for the rest of the week.

The worksheets required mimeograph machines....ahhhh! The aroma of fresh mimeo ink!

On the plus side of the virus mess, I see that gas was 99 cents in Kentucky today.

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Post by cjhills » Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:08 am

New York Governor pretty much tells it like it is every morning on CNN.

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Post by DougB » Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:47 am ... story.html
Researchers at the Pasteur Institute in coastal Senegal — a World Health Organization partner that has battled viral outbreaks for more than a century — say they’re as little as three months away from releasing $1 diagnostic kits that can detect the respiratory contagion in 10 minutes.
Of course, our big pharmacies will have to charge several hundred dollars for it, because we won't trust it unless it takes two trips to the hospital and a week in a bed.

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Post by mnaj_springer » Thu Mar 19, 2020 10:27 am

And we'll end this one here.

I know it's a current event that could have major impacts on our little corner of the world (the gun dog corner), but as seen with this thread, it's been impossible to untangle from the political world, unfortunately.

Thank you for keeping it as civil as possible. Wish I would've caught it sooner.
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