How Unfortunate . .

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How Unfortunate . .

Post by Wildflugel » Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:53 pm

I primarily lurk on this web site and just wanted to say how sad it was to see three locked threads near the top of the General Chat page. It is unfortunate that we can not all participate in a healthy discussion about our particular breed of choice without forcing the moderators to play referees. I think everyone has something valuable to contribute and would hope everyone is open minded enough to see each other's point-of-view. Just an outsider's observation.



Post by Kurzhaar » Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:56 pm

Yes Wildflugel it is a shame.

Unfortunately, as my Grandmother used to say, it only takes one or two apples to ruin the entire bushel.


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Post by ezzy333 » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:48 pm

But on a board like this it always takes at least two and usually more.


It's not how many breaths you have taken but how many times it has been taken away!

Has anyone noticed common sense isn't very common anymore.


Post by DKRick » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:57 pm

No just one


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Post by Ayres » Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:04 pm

What Ezzy is saying is that things don't blow up in a debate without at least two conflicting viewpoints. For the Moderator stance on this, see pear's latest thread here:

I don't think we need to argue this any further, so please refrain from it. The horse is dead.
- Steven


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Post by Wagonmaster » Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:57 pm

It is also unfortunate when moderators take a partisan role, thereby inflaming the debate Ayres. You may wish to give that some thought.

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Post by ezzy333 » Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:03 pm

I hope that is all you feel the need to say as it is over.


It's not how many breaths you have taken but how many times it has been taken away!

Has anyone noticed common sense isn't very common anymore.

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Post by Ayres » Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:54 pm

Wagonmaster wrote:It is also unfortunate when moderators take a partisan role, thereby inflaming the debate Ayres. You may wish to give that some thought.
I'm sorry you feel that way, John. My postings were no less civil and no more inflammatory than yours. A moderator is also a member. We are all human and we all have our own viewpoints on topics we hold dear.
- Steven


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Post by birdogg42 » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:10 pm

did i miss something??


Post by Kurzhaar » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:32 pm

Wagonmaster wrote:It is also unfortunate when moderators take a partisan role, thereby inflaming the debate Ayres. You may wish to give that some thought.
Unfortunately John YOU are WRONG again. You chose to change the tone of the thread from one of education to one of vendetta. All of the question you posed were answered but they did not support your opinion so you continued to post questions. If the moderators had the intestinal fortitude they would have called a spade a spade and made true acusations not hide behind the "lets all get along'" misnomer.


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Post by crittercontrol » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:38 pm

Boys, do I need to get the "hugging" emoticon out! :wink:

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Post by Yawallac » Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:14 pm

My postings were no less civil and no more inflammatory than yours.

Except that when you started posting, Ezzy and Pear somehow vanished. Prior to that Ezzy and Pear (because they seem to work as a team??) had stepped in. You posted and they left ....only to return when the debate was over.

The thread was only allowed to continue because you were in it. It should have been closed much sooner. That was pretty obvious to anyone that frequents this board.

The fact that it was locked after it was over is laughable.

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Post by grant » Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:30 pm

The FACT of the matter is that Mods fully discuss issues in a hidden forum before they take action. This is so no one Mod can moderate because they’re pissed off. It takes time.

For the record, I’ll stand behind the Mods, as they pull double duty on GDF as a member and a Mod. I posted a sign at work today that read “Stop complaining unless you have a better solution.” The same can be said here.

I’m not coming down on any one person here. Lets just move on. Seriously.


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Post by gonehuntin' » Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:12 am

This is a nice board but there are a few members that attack every post and offer nothing substantial to that post. Perhaps you should just eliminate them and make this an even more enjoyable place to spend time. I usually hold on these posts that you should state your view, explain it or a portion of it if necessary, and leave it be. Makes the moderator's jobs a lot easier.


Post by DKRick » Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:11 am

I was hoping for this to be a nice board? But when I guy can not answer a question without it becoming one persons attach forum. There is a problem.

Moderation is that? No it is not easy. But if it is a moderated forum then it should be. We all don't have the same points of view we all don't have the same dogs or want to run in the same test. But it does not make one better than the other. When the attacks are made against one whole testing system or one whole dog race that is not what discussion should be. That is somebodies hate or dislike for something, for whatever reason. Personally I will not probably ever feel that trial dogs are for hunting. But that does not make it wrong it does not make every dog that does it wrong. It just means it is not for me. It does not mean that every time somebody post something on trials I should go into why I dislike it. It means I leave those post alone and read and learn from those who do it. Let those that like it discuss it. Those that want to learn ask questions.

I just feel that when a poster has their own agenda and they get to it and it is not what the original post was that is a problem and moderation should have taken place. When a person makes a new post just to cause problems it needs deleted. If I went out and found every post on different forums that were against one type of dog or testing system would that be right or even one of such type? When I person hijacks a thread and the topic is no longer what it started out and instead has become a bash it needs to be cleaned up not just locked that is the easy way out. What does one persons hate "dislike" of German dogs have to do with the explanation of the German testing system? This would be no different than the current post on trials about prize money, that if I started posting in it about how bad the whole trial dog is. Allowing any post to turn into a bash is wrong. Would this be allowed of the trial post? NO it has not been on this forum. Try as moderators to put yourself in the shoes of the ones being bashed. Change the dog race from German to Trial would you have left it. It would it have only been locked?

I think when moderators are notified of a problem and let it exist and get out of hand so it has to be locked that is wrong.

Ayres, I feel you did a good job in the discussion. You did not let your job as a moderator get in the way. Don't get me wrong when I am talking about moderation though and posting they are different coming on saying now play nice on a thread that has been hijacked is not moderation. That is no different than the other great people that came on and said hey enough is enough. Stop this, it is meant to be a friendly board. If my posting of a topic that one or two posters don't like makes it a unfriendly board than I am sorry for my part in this.

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Post by ssjetset » Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:08 am

The testing venue that was bashed is so small here in the US you would think it was a threat to the big money horseback games the way it was attacked, I'm proud of the way you guys defended your system,one bloated ego know it all should never be allowed to dictate thier own bias with out being challenged . Guys, you did good. ssjetset

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Post by ohiogsp » Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:19 am

This happens on every board when it is growing to the size this board is getting to but I think our mods. will keep this board civilized. Let get back to something important, training any dogs lately?? You all should go over to my pigeon loft post and check out my new loft progress. :)
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Post by DKRick » Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:20 am


What a coincidence I just did and came over and found your comment.


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Post by ohiogsp » Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:00 am

Seen that pretty wild.
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Post by ezzy333 » Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:21 am

There is much I could say but it has already been said so there is no need to repeat it. However, as I look back at this thread I continue to see people who were involved and others who felt they just had to throw some fuel on the fire still wanting to get the last word, even after being asked as nicely as it could be done to stop and desist by Grant and the moderators .

I would strongly suggest that it stop here. Several of you have been given a post after you were asked to drop it, but the next one may be one too many.

I do want to make it clear that we encourage post of all kinds about dogs or issues relating to dogs. We do not condone posts that refer to other posters. I would like everyone that was involved in anyway to go back and look at your post and if they were putting down another member or his opinions then you are as guilty as anyone else. The spitting match we just witnessed lowered the respect many of us had for all involved, not just one. Further remarks accomplish the same thing. It is evident that some that were involved and some that were choosing sides want everyone to think the people with opposing positions were the ones at fault.

As was stated before it takes at least two to carry on an arguement and no matter who started the it both sides are equally quilty of perpetuating it and would be dealt with equally.

We are here to discuss dogs. Not just one breed, not just one venue. Hopefully we can discuss both pro and con in every area without reverting back to "my dogs better than your dog".

If these rules are too difficult to follow then it may be time to find some place else to go. However, I have faith that each of you are responsible enough to let bygones be bygones, follow the rules and remain a very important part of our community.

Al "Ezzy" Esgar

It's not how many breaths you have taken but how many times it has been taken away!

Has anyone noticed common sense isn't very common anymore.

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Post by Drahtsundbraats » Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:36 am

I think one of the biggest issues that gets in the way is the inability to discuss the pros AND the cons. Some folks get real defensive, especially when a discussion turns to the downside of a sport, activity, difficulties in a breed or whatever.

None of us plays perfect games. There are no perfect dogs, registries, dog clubs, etc. In the end, you wind up among people that think as you do, with common goals, if you are lucky. Dogs are like art or music, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I find sometimes we go over the top on the extremes and the glory of scores and competition and forget that much of the sporting public is really just looking for a liveable, "get after it dog", that the wife can accept :lol: :lol:

IMO.........The proof of the pudding is not in any of these games we all play-it is in the hunting, in the house, kennel, the truck, and how well these dogs do their appointed tasks and how easy/complicated it is to train or live with them.

But you have to admire the passion on this board-and others. When its well directed, its good for hunting, the sports we play, and the breeds we care about.


Post by hoffmann35 » Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:35 pm

Well said Ezzy. We all appreciate the hard work you mods put in. I love this site and check it several times daily... Thanks mods for being the voice of reason and thanks for letting us around Grant...


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